David Shedlock
Puritan Board Freshman
Faith and Assurance by Joel Beeke | Reformed Theology Articles at Ligonier.org
I sure would like some clarity on the subject of assurance. Joel Beeke seems to be arguing in circles. First, he says in the video that having "full and absolute" assurance is like a sailboat going out in full gale that I am "free from the guilt of sin", have "great joy in my relationship with the Triune God" and a "wonderful liberation within, knowing that I belong to the family of God" He says you can know you have assurance by its fruits: close life of fellowship with God, childlike obedience, trusting and thirsting after God...anticipating revival...longing for the second advent of Christ....Christ-centered life". It is the "cream of faith" "something special". It gives us great peace with God".
A quote by Puritan Thomas Brooks:
1. If assurance is obtained by self-examination, and yet results in a more mature Christian, how is this not arguing in circles?
2. Is it that if "I walk closely with Christ, I live a life of obedience" therefore I can be assured I'm saved and it will make me "walk with closely Christ and I will live a life of obedience"
Faith and Assurance by Joel Beeke | Reformed Theology Articles at Ligonier.org
I sure would like some clarity on the subject of assurance. Joel Beeke seems to be arguing in circles. First, he says in the video that having "full and absolute" assurance is like a sailboat going out in full gale that I am "free from the guilt of sin", have "great joy in my relationship with the Triune God" and a "wonderful liberation within, knowing that I belong to the family of God" He says you can know you have assurance by its fruits: close life of fellowship with God, childlike obedience, trusting and thirsting after God...anticipating revival...longing for the second advent of Christ....Christ-centered life". It is the "cream of faith" "something special". It gives us great peace with God".
A quote by Puritan Thomas Brooks:
All of this leaves me bewildered and with many questions. If assurance is a separate experience from faith, how is that different than Pentecostalism. the Methodist doctrine of Second Blessing, and Carnal Christian Theory? Even the Jehovah's Witnesses believe that there are two levels of Christians, those that make up the 144.000 are a different level.Now though this full assurance is earnestly desired,
and highly prized, and the want of it much
lamented, and the enjoyment of it much endeavored
after by all saints, yet it is only obtained by a few.
Assurance is a mercy too good for most men’s
hearts, it is a crown too weighty for most men’s
heads. Assurance is optimum maximum, the best
and greatest mercy; and therefore God will only
give it to his best and dearest friends. Augustus in
his solemn feasts, gave trifles to some, but gold to
others. Honor and riches, etc., are trifles that God
gives to the worst of men; but assurance is that
‘tried gold,’ Rev. 3:18, that God only gives to tried
friends. Among those few that have a share or
portion in the special love and favor of God, there
are but a very few that have an assurance of his
love. It is one mercy for God to love the soul, and
another mercy for God to assure the soul of his
1. If assurance is obtained by self-examination, and yet results in a more mature Christian, how is this not arguing in circles?
2. Is it that if "I walk closely with Christ, I live a life of obedience" therefore I can be assured I'm saved and it will make me "walk with closely Christ and I will live a life of obedience"
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