Welcome to the Puritan Board

The Puritan Board provides Christian discussion and scholarship in a confessionally Reformed context.

The Puritan Board provides Christian discussion in a Confessionally Reformed Evangelical context. We are Evangelical because we protest the authority, truth claims and idolatry of the Roman Catholic Church. We are Reformed because we believe that men and women are dead in trespasses and it requires the power of God in salvation through Christ. Christ has broken the power of sin to enslave us and has purchased our faith so that, in Him, we rise to newness of life. We are Confessional because we believe that the Scriptures are clear regarding matters of life and salvation. Confessions are not the Scriptures, but they faithfully represent the core truths of the Scriptures and provide a unifying body of teaching that has stood the test of centuries.

Sola Fide❖ Sola Gratia ❖ Solus Christus ❖ Sola Scriptura ❖ Soli Deo Gloria

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