Would you be willing to help APM and Puritan Writings??

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I'm working on a sermon delivered in 1645 by Edmund Calamy. Calamy was a reformed presbterian in London. The sermon is titled "Covenant Refusing and Covenant-Breaking" and was delivered to the Lord Mayor, the Sheriffs and the Common-Counsel.

I don't know exactly how long it is--haven't checked to see if I have the whole thing or just part of it. The good news is I'm 18 pages along.
Sample paragraph in English

For those typing - I just wanted to make sure everyone is on the same page. Here is a paragraph I recieved from a very able typist who is already completed assignment 1!

"So that meere politicke respects, (which commonly worke most with our moderate men,) should disswade them from this temper : if they did but consult their own safety, they would betake themselves to one extreame. But it is the pollicy of those men not to engage themselves far in any matters of Religion by a manifest and open Declaration of their opinion, or publishing their intentions, because then they must either go through stoutly, or fall shamefully: these men that thus hover betwist the Ballances, have not courage enough, and resolution to commend them to any side, as to gaine the favour of it:"

Here is how you can help me further. Make the paragraph look like this:

"So that [b:651afc1535]mere politic[/b:651afc1535] respects, (which commonly work most with our moderate men,) should dissuade them from this temper : if they did but consult their own safety, they would betake themselves to one extreme. But it is the policy of those men not to engage themselves far in any matters of [b:651afc1535]religion[/b:651afc1535] by a manifest and open [b:651afc1535]declaration[/b:651afc1535] of their opinion, or publishing their intentions, because then they must either go through stoutly, or fall shamefully: these men that thus hover [b:651afc1535]between[/b:651afc1535] the [b:651afc1535]balances[/b:651afc1535], have not courage enough, and resolution to commend them to any side, as to gain the favor of it:"

Change the word from old english to modren English - "politicke" to "politic". Also change the beginning letters of words that are capatalized and should not be - "Balanced" to "balance."

Also, in most puritan literature, the printer will put the next word in the sentence that begins ont he next page in lower corner of a page. You don't have to repeat that word. Just continue the flow of the piece. All you need to do is start typing the document and just make a paragraph where paragrahs are needed. Make it one long document that flows. So you do not need to make page divisions and type all the page numbers. Make the document look like a paper you are writing. Don't copy the format of the book, except for the title page. We want to make this as painless as possible for both you and I.

If there is a word like "betwixt" you can change it to "between". Or "didst" can be changed to "did." Little changes like that you can change.

Oh, also, don't do scriptures like Hebrews 6.1, do them Hebrews 6:1. Use the colon.

Any other questions?

[Edited on 12-17-2003 by webmaster]

[Edited on 12-17-2003 by webmaster]
Well we're all on the same page now. Page 1 again. Janice was on page 18, and I wasn't anywhere close to that. But we're together now. :lol:

By the way, you must have read my mind because I was going to ask you this. These guys sure could reason, but they couldn't spell worth a darn.
It is such a contrast in comparrison to our modern English! Some of the words I like (like politicke - I like the "cke" words for some reason) but some are just down right strange.
do you still need any more helpers? (I have quite a bit of spare time at the moment.) If so reply here and I will email you.

Most certainly!

I have a number of works I would like to have done. Be sure to read through this post to understadn the formatting and such. I tried to make it as easy as possible.
I'm getting started on mine. Wow! What a treat.

Ok OK OKOKOKOKOK, how about formatting. Do you want us to keep it close to the original format if possible? For instance, all caps in for a name, centered, italics, etc. You want us to keep the old english words, right (ye, thou, thee, etc)?
From what you said about parenthesis, I assume you want us to avoid footnotes. Correct? The new Word programs can place comments in the text that can easily be turned off, do you have the ability to see those/edit them? It might be helpful to note problem areas.

I got a few pages done. This is fun.


[Edited on 12-18-2003 by Wannabee]
"how about formatting. Do you want us to keep it close to the original format if possible? For instance, all caps in for a name, centered, italics, etc."

No, make it like a term paper you are writing, let if low like apper - remember, make this easy.

"You want us to keep the old english words, right (ye, thou, thee, etc)?"

yes, but I don't want you to leave "beene" as "beene" I want you to make it "been." Thee, thou, ye, are OK. "Sayes" is not OK - make it "says."

From what you said about parenthesis, I assume you want us to avoid footnotes. Correct?

Yes, avoid footnotes.

The new Word programs can place comments in the text that can easily be turned off, do you have the ability to see those/edit them? It might be helpful to note problem areas.

I have MS Word 2000.

I got a few pages done. This is fun.

I'm gald you think its fun!!

Maybe I can give you a 300 pager next time! :smile: (OUCH!)
[b:9afad4c3fe]Matthew wrote:[/b:9afad4c3fe]
I'm gald you think its fun!!

[tranlation mode]
Should that be "galled"? (once you get started, its kinda hard to stop):lol:
[/tranlation mode]

[Edited on 12-18-2003 by blhowes]
Err. well... hehe. I've already formatted it. I couldn't wait... sorry. Also, I see you don't care about page numbers matching up. It's a habbit. Makes references easier.

Do you want me to unformat it? I can do that if you need me to.
Okay, after reading all of the posts...here's something I'm still a little confused on...I understand you want the old english spelling updated to modern english. (I say that so as not to worry you too much.) You also want us to keep the words: thou, thee, etc. However, what about words like "saith", "heareth", etc. Do you want them changed? (Up to this point I've kept them in, but that's easily rectifiable).

2nd question: Is it helpful to you to reference the page number we are typing from, so that you can go back and review sections, add the Greek, etc.
[b:f4a6ed9b26]Janice wrote:[/b:f4a6ed9b26]
However, what about words like "saith", "heareth", etc. Do you want them changed?

That's a good question. The rule of thumb that I've been using is for it to match the King James Bible (not the 1611) english - which is midway between the old english and the new english.

I wonder if anybody's tried and had any success using a scanner on the material. Just for the fun of it, I scanned one page into MS Word and was surprised how many words/letters the OCR recognized. Unfortunately, some of the background jitter was picked up as images (I think) and threw the formatting off considerably. I didn't pursue it much after that, but I may try it again during Christmas vacation.

Obi - no, don't worry about it right now. When you are done I will check it out. it should be OK.

Janice asked -
However, what about words like "saith", "heareth", etc. Do you want them changed? (Up to this point I've kept them in, but that's easily rectifiable).

Leave them. I will update the piece in more mordern English as the last thing done. Some sentences need to be changed in whole, so don't worry about that right now.

Janice asked: 2nd question: Is it helpful to you to reference the page number we are typing from, so that you can go back and review sections, add the Greek, etc.

Yes, that would be helpful.
It's going slower for me than I hoped. I do a number of pages, and then I get this great big thought going through my head, that this work touches on, and that's it, I'm at my effort in apologetics again. As you may recall, I am working on an answer to Paul's assertions about circular arguments.

I'm not doing exactly as you requested. It meant more work for me to do it that way. I'm just tranferring the text into RTF, keeping the notations of each page as intact as I can, and numbering the pages according to the original. You can do the page divisions on the final product; but RTF allows me to assign page numbers without corresponding them to the divisions that my computer assigns to them, because RTF doesn't assign any. Characters that I cannot make out, usually because they are Greek, I replace with a line of upper case X's, along with Latin and English letters that I cannot make out because of unclear origingal text.

It is fun when I am at it. I especially like the part about following his thoughts, as complex as they appear in his writing. The ideas are not hard, but his way of getting them out is. It is a great exercise.

Is there a dealine for this?
I'm doing pretty good...The holidays slowed things down to a stand-still for about three weeks. But I'm thinking that either by tomorrow or by the end of next week I should be done.
I hope to finish up Whitaker's sermon either this weekend or early next week. All that's left is to insert the scriptures from the margins and then do the Latin sections...going down the home stretch.
I'd like to go through mine one more time to see if I can find any more errors. I found a few typos, but nothing substantial... Oh yea, one thing was substantial, I left out half a sentence.:o

I'll try to get it done this week.

Can you imagine doing all this work without computers? They sure do speed things up - computers are great! I was amazed at how much I was able to get done at work during my 45-minute lunch break today. I was just flying along... that is until the computer crashed and I lost 45 minutes worth of work :flaming::thumbdown: (stupid computer!)

When I got home, I thought I'd post my experience onto the board and remind everybody to remember to backup as you go. As I finished the post, guess what happened...the home computer crashed!:rolleyes:

Getting out my quill and bottle of ink, :lol:
Blade, if I could send the original as a Word document, that woudl turn the image into text, and I would not need to type them out, they would be converted (that is the actual problem and why I am typing them out). I have a program that I have tried to trian, but it does not work well and it simply makes more work and takes longer to correct rather than simply to type.
[quote:0f7dfe5e87][i:0f7dfe5e87]Originally posted by webmaster[/i:0f7dfe5e87]
Blade, if I could send the original as a Word document, that woudl turn the image into text, and I would not need to type them out, they would be converted (that is the actual problem and why I am typing them out). I have a program that I have tried to trian, but it does not work well and it simply makes more work and takes longer to correct rather than simply to type. [/quote:0f7dfe5e87]


here's a crazy thought: have you tried using the reading function in Adobe and using an audio capture? It might work well with the machine voicereading and then using a speech to text program.
[b:3c0cddf4d7]Fred wrote:[/b:3c0cddf4d7]
here's a crazy thought: have you tried using the reading function in Adobe and using an audio capture? It might work well with the machine voicereading and then using a speech to text program.

Sounds like an excellent idea. However, I don't think it would work because the pdfs are more like images than a pdf version of a text file. I use Adobe Acrobat, and you can't even highlight the text with the text tool.

prayer request and update

Matt and everyone on bnoard the project,
Just so you know im in the midst of alot personal matters/problems and other normal day to day activities and have not been able to spend a considerable amount of time on this but thought about almost giving up but I decided not to and that no matter how long it takes Ill will try to get this done to the best of my ability.

If anyone who reads this can please pray for me I definetelly need it:(

In Christ
here's a crazy thought: have you tried using the reading function in Adobe and using an audio capture? It might work well with the machine voicereading and then using a speech to text program.

Fred how does this work?

How is everyone doing? any more progress? I have recieved 3 so far completed, and very well done.
[quote:991eadc4a0][i:991eadc4a0]Originally posted by webmaster[/i:991eadc4a0]
here's a crazy thought: have you tried using the reading function in Adobe and using an audio capture? It might work well with the machine voicereading and then using a speech to text program.

Fred how does this work?

It is a setting on Adobe 6.0. It may only work with text based adobe. I'm not sure.
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