I talked to a pastor tonight that prided himself in spending close to 30 hours studying for his sermons every week.
My first thought was 'what does he do with his other 30 hours of working a week?'
If it's a large church with a minister for pastoral care, and a minister for adminstration, etc., he probably can afford a 40 hour week with 30 of it devoted to sermon prep. If he's the only guy there, however, he either needs to lengthen his workweek or shorten his sermons.
It would be interesting to listen to a sermon to see if the work shows.
AMEN, AMEN, AMEN. If a pastor is only engaged in his "ministry", 40 hours a week, whether it be sermon prep, admin, visitation, etc. I say he isn't as involved in his flock's lives as he should be.
Another thing, the only teaching going on is on sunday morning? How about sunday evening, wednesday nite, mens bible study, children's catechism, elder/deacon training, young adults, young married's. etc, etc, etc.
Not to mention individual/family counseling, prayer and personal devotional time.
40 hours a week, yeah right.
I grew up watching a young pastor fresh out of bible college, no seminary, begin his day at 0-dark-thirty, hit the cafe for coffee at 6, he wasn't there for purely social reasons....that time led quite a few people to end up in his church as members. Had 4 studies going during any given week. Hit the hospital, nursing home and hospice at least twice a week, sometimes more as needed. Training sessions with his deacons/elders besides the regular meetings. Spent lots of hours in grain trucks and combines with members of his flock, i.e. "visitation". Was engaged in civic things like the welcome wagon, high school FCA, etc. If there was an ambulance or fire call, he was there.
I mean this guy was a workaholic. All this in a community of less than 1500 with 3 other churches! There wasn't a person in that community that did not know him on a first name basis, never-mind they didn't attend his church. Held him in high esteem and knew that if they ever needed anything...he would move heaven and earth to meet that need.
He knew his flock intimately, right down to the grades of the kids. I know, he used to bug the heck out me for dissing algebra.
He was a giant of a man...physically and spiritually, sympathetic yet uncompromising to biblical standards.
Now THAT is a pastor.
"I have to have 30 hours for semon prep." Puleeze!!!