Puritan Board Senior
Brother Travis, thanks so much for your care and good words you have written about the subject. You are definitely a gifted man. I'm glad someone else pointed this out, because last night as I read it, I was wondering if you might be coming down pretty hard on people that just want to be faithful to the Scriptures and different from you. Is it really idolatry for a true believer who sees head coverings as biblical? I wonder if this hard-line thinking creates more tension in the Church rather than peacefully respecting our differences.To believe that female head-coverings are religiously significant and necessary for worship when “Thus saith the Lord” has not gone before, is to impute a religious significance to them above their material nature, is superstition and the giving of religious qualities to the creation (Rom. 1:23–25), a form of idolatry.251 For a woman to wear a head-covering in public worship, out of principle, when none of the rest of the church does, is distracting, weird and may rightly induce suspicion. For the women of a whole congregation to wear head-coverings in a society that does not recognize them, to signify submission and decency, when they otherwise do not bear this connotation, is a stumbling-block to visiting Christians and unbelievers: “Will they not say that ye are mad?” (1 Cor. 14:23) It also detracts from the comfort of stronger Christians who know the truth and walk in it. “Their fear toward Me is taught by the precept of men” (Isa. 29:13). “When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand… Bring no more vain oblations” (Isa. 1:12–13)." p.95
Just a thought.