The Salvation of Jews & Armageddon from an Amillennial Perspective

Hello Grant,

I listened to the two lectures you pointed me to, and I appreciated them. I see you are well among the main Amillennial commentators, and do avoid the error I saw HH making.

I realize I am peculiar among amils in the focus I have on sorcery, and the ramifications of that on continuing interpretation of Revelation – as it is a truism we almost always discern prophecy in hindsight, and no one has taken seriously (excepting a few Greek scholars and commentators) what sorcery is in our day in light of the Scripture, though there are reasons for that. That such a sin – warranting eternal damnation for the unrepentant (in Revelation and Galatians) – cannot be identified by the Christian community, is an enormous red flag. It is one of the most egregious failures of exegesis and exposition I know of. Especially as sorcery has become a recreational pastime in our culture, and one of the staples of our society’s means of pleasurable intoxication, even though it results in the culture’s increasing seething madness.

I will keep writing on it, seeking to fine-tune my exposition and persuasiveness – whatever the reception in the church (many in the world, however, are aware of what it is) – as it is a Biblical marker of our time. To keep silent would be sin for me.