The Father does and says all He does by His Son?

One thing about "a lot of people" is that they know how to sound certain.

One thing that has always given me pause in the "is the angel of the Lord really Jesus" question is that "the Lord" or "the angel of the Lord" is consistently spoken of in the OT as being involved in the administration of the Law, but the NT consistently states that the Law was put in place by angels (Gal 3:19, Acts 7:53) and of course Heb 2 focuses on this in exquisite detail - and the point in the passage is that Jesus is superior to angels. Which means he's different from angels - specifically the angels who gave/revealed the Law.

By no means a slam dunk case, as there are compelling verses to be made implying that the Angel of the Lord is Jesus, and even in the OT passages the Angel of the Lord is (at least positionally) something other than a "normal" angel.
Luther makes basically the same point in his Treatise on the Last Words of David (a wonderful book recently reprinted by Gospel Standard Trust Publications). The treatise is concerned with locating Christ in the Old Testament and Luther goes through various passages, comparing them with the NT, to illustrate how consistent and clear the Trinitarian teaching is throughout all Scripture. Here he is speaking on the work of the Trinity in Creation, specifically locating the Second Person in Creation:

Referencing John 1:1-3 and then Genesis 1 Luther says 'Thus, you hear Moses exactly agreeing with John, that in the very beginning of the creation "was the (LOGOS or) Word", by whom God made or created all things, by that, where there is the Person speaking, there, of necessity, must be also understood the LOGOS or Word...And, therefore, the LOGOS or Word was 'with him' when he spoke (for without a LOGOS nothing can be spoken), 'by' whom God made all things; as John 1 clearly sets if forth.' p.81, emphasis added.

'For here again Moses is ready at hand as a witness, plainly declaring that all things were made by God speaking; that is, by the LOGOS or the Word of God. And so is David also: "By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made." (Psalm 33:6)...And although Moses does not express the name of the Son of God, or write Christ in those very letters and characters, yet he truly expresses and confesses this same LOGOS, or Word of God speaking, by whom all things were made. Wherein he plainly signifies that in the Godhead the Person speaking (that is, whose the LOGOS is) is one. And the Person who is the LOGOS, or the Word that is spoken, is another." pp. 112-113

Luther also talks about the voice of the Father at the Baptism of Christ. Here he says we must of necessity say that the voice is the Father and we cannot say it is the Son or the Spirit (though he doesn't say it explicitly I assume the reason is that Scripture specifically identifies the voice as the Father in distinction to the Spirit/dove and the Son/human nature). But we can also say that each creature (the voice, the human nature of Christ standing in the Jordan and the dove) is God because each Person is God. He also makes the point that although each creature can only be distinguished as one particular Person, they are all the work of the Trinity working in concert because 'the works of the Trinity are indivisible'. So although the voice is said to be the Father only, it is not created by the Father only but by all three Persons.

It's a very good book. Well worth reading.
Thanks for the interesting reference; it's Good to see one of the drivers of the Reformation's thoughts on this subject.