Psalm Tunes - A thread for sharing and requesting recommended psalm tunes or audio of psalmody

Tempo change? What does that mean?
Change the pace at which you sing. Sing verses 1-21 slowly and solemnly and when you get to verse 22, change the speed you sing to something quicker, without changing the tune. It can really fit a change in mood.
Change the pace at which you sing. Sing verses 1-21 slowly and solemnly and when you get to verse 22, change the speed you sing to something quicker, without changing the tune. It can really fit a change in mood.
Which tune tbough? I don't think that'd work well with bangor.
Which tune tbough? I don't think that'd work well with bangor.

I just took a look a Bangor. I think that even with that tune, changing the tempo changes the mood, particularly combined with the words. Personally I would be willing to sing through the entirety of the psalm with that tune.
Are there any good common meter tunes that fit Psalm 22:21-27? Preferably something that is somber enough for the part preceding but joyous enough for the part following.
Are you using the 1650 for this? If it were me I would use the tune from How Sweet And Aweful Is The Place. I don't know the tune name. But it's a great tune that works fast and slow.
I know most of the comments here reference the Scots Psalter, but I wanted to give a shout-out to Pastor Kwangyoung Park, mission worker at Bethel Canadian Reformed Church in metro Toronto, for sending me a link to a complete set of the Genevan Psalter tunes in Korean. Even for those who don't speak Korean, these tunes are in a single male voice with the musical scores, and for that reason, can be very helpful in learning the Genevan tunes in English.

Far and away the largest number of confessional Calvinists today are in Korea, a country that it's almost certain John Calvin had never heard of when he commissioned the Genevan Psalter in 1539. May their number of psalm-singers increase.
Are you using the 1650 for this? If it were me I would use the tune from How Sweet And Aweful Is The Place. I don't know the tune name. But it's a great tune that works fast and slow.
St Columba

Are there any good common meter tunes that fit Psalm 22:21-27? Preferably something that is somber enough for the part preceding but joyous enough for the part following.
Naomi, Sheffield, Old 22nd, Praetorious to name a few of the recommended ones. Check them out online to see if you like any of them.
Where would you divide psalm 89 in two or three bits, and what tune would you use?

Preferrably divided so I repeat the last verse of one bit when beginning the next one
I'd reach for Dunfermline for the first however many verses, no strong feelings for the rest. Maybe something like Martyrs or Martyrdom for v38ff.
Where would you divide psalm 89 in two or three bits, and what tune would you use?

Preferrably divided so I repeat the last verse of one bit when beginning the next one
The FCC split-leaf has the following divisions and tune recommendations. Might be a good starting place.

1-4 to Dunfermline or Belgrave
5-14 to Effingham or Weymouth
15-18 to Newington
19-37 to Tiverton
38-52 to Durham
I have a YouTube page called Play it again, Psalm where I post videos of Psalmody tunes and their harmonies. It shows each of the parts individually for those that want to learn any of the parts by ear.
Finally I know who is behind it! I really enjoy them and would love to see more. Do you just take them from the staff notation books?
Finally I know who is behind it! I really enjoy them and would love to see more. Do you just take them from the staff notation books?
That's encouraging to hear. I use the staff from the newest editions of the Scottish Psalter and Sing Psalms. Older editions can have some major differences. I've been meaning to add some more to the channel so if anybody has any requests then let me know.
That's encouraging to hear. I use the staff from the newest editions of the Scottish Psalter and Sing Psalms. Older editions can have some major differences. I've been meaning to add some more to the channel so if anybody has any requests then let me know.
I see, I was wondering if you just copied them or if you edited them at all. If you're doing that, you must be musical – I was wondering if there are descant lines and asked an FC(C) friend about it, but she only had some from old hymn books. My voice is very high and I can usually only sing loudly with the pitch range of the melody and higher, but I'd love to create a harmony on tunes for which my church doesn't harmonise. I've tried to work out my own, but I'm just not good enough at harmonies. The advice I've received so far has been to sing the tenor at a higher octave, but if you have any resources that would be much appreciated. I also wonder if there are parts for new/uncommon tunes you have come across like Zenka, but if you are not from FP I don't think others sing them very much (though probably have your own). I suppose we'll just have to make our own somehow!
For CM/CMD tunes, I've been enjoying these from the RPCNA/ARP Psalter. Not sure if they count as lesser known.

Alexandria CM (95a in RPCNA Psalter)
Meditation CM (13a in RPCNA)
Kingsfold CMD (26a RPCNA)
Noel CMD (21A RPCNA)
Kingsfold is good

Definitely not lesser known but great ones
great tunes indeed! Suppose its how to quanitify ‘lesser known’. Neither Paisley or Bays are mentioned in the blue Scottish Psalmody 1650 Psalter :) Think Free Church may be..
One of my favorite lesser known tunes is Africa. It's an American tune from the 1700s, and never seems to have caught on with Scottish Psalmody. Today, it's generally associated with American Sacred Harp singing. Great CM tune, though. I like using it with Psalm 67, 2nd version.

Here's a great recording of the tune by a Sacred Harp convention in Ireland. The words are a Watts hymn, though.