The debate (or discussion - we have had nothing comparable to the "worship wars" on the a capella side) would only be similar in that one respect: "finding the line". Practically, things would look very different, as I stated earlier.If not the same debate, a very similar one. Many of the Psalms in the Psalter could be sung to Gilligan's Island or House of the Rising Sun. Most people know these melodies and it would likely accommodate a capella singing. However, I doubt anyone would recommend their use for that. Where is the line? We have no examples of people offering up metered music to God, yet do you have a problem with using meter?
I don't think your frequent pushing for finding "the line" is fair since I'm not sure if you know where the line is as relating to your own convictions. It feels hypocritical to me that you would push it so hard on us yet not be able to "draw the line" with your own practice.
You did not quote the second part of my post, in which I mentioned that one contributor to this thread favoured a full orchestra in corporate worship.
If you cannot see the plain difference in "finding the line" then I don't know how I can help you.
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