Member rankings update, new titles

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In light of the torrent of AARP, etc. invitations I've received since turning 50 four years ago,

Wait until you get a bit older. Then the offers roll in from insurance salesmen wanting to sell you annuities and other retirement products. We got a really nice meal at one of the high end steakhouses in Dallas. I've turned down several competitors offering lesser eating establishments.
Wait until you get a bit older. Then the offers roll in from insurance salesmen wanting to sell you annuities and other retirement products. We got a really nice meal at one of the high end steakhouses in Dallas. I've turned down several competitors offering lesser eating establishments.
So you are a free bee.
In the military, there was consideration for "time-in grade". Perhaps there could be some accounting for the years spent active on the board. I am not sure that rewarding the most Talkative is the best policy.
In the military, there was consideration for "time-in grade". Perhaps there could be some accounting for the years spent active on the board. I am not sure that rewarding the most Talkative is the best policy.
It's the only thing that is tracked against a ranking field and it's posting that keeps the interest going so I understand why that is the case.
I have implemented the additional rankings. Xenforo offers two other options from ranking but it would wipe out what we have so best stay the course.
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