Jonathan Edwards on the Lord's Supper

Don Kistler

Puritan Board Sophomore
When I began publishing under the Northampton Press imprint in 2007, the first book I published was a collection of sermons by Jonathan Edwards dealing with the Lord's Supper. That book has been out of print for 10 years or so and I've now brought it back with a few typos corrected and the pagination errors fixed. There are 9 sermons on the Lord's Supper and an additional 6 sermons appendixed on various texts.
It is 240 pages, hardback, sewn not glued, and printed on acid-free paper. Your cost is $24 plus $8 shipping.
To order go to's_Supper_-_2nd_Edition.html#/
There is also a commemorative edition bound in imitation leather. It sells for $40.
We've also reprinted a delightful book for children by Edna Gerstner, wife of the late John Gerstner. In this book she deals with deep subjects at a level children can understand and, unlike many children's books, you won't have to apologize for the theology when they grow up!
"Conduct for the Crayon Crowd" is $15.00