Is a wooden cross hanging prominently in a sanctuary a violation of the 2nd

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I believe that the original topic has been successfully hijacked but I will call it done nevertheless. If anyone wants to ask questions about the teaching of Larger Catechism 109 and the unlawfulness of picturing Christ or any person of the Trinity in thought or in art, perhaps it would be best to open a distinct thread. LC 109 is not about how humans think; there's no evidence that was a concern let alone a perceived difficulty to the doctrine on the part of the Westminster divines. It is about what we put our imagining toward. We are not to picture physically through craft or craft in our mind's eye the God we worship. That is the doctrine of this board. If you want to ask questions about it, express doubts, fine. But there will be no advocacy against it on PB. As far as the difficulty of this for this modern image inundated age, Rich's post is on point.
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