I'm going to be upgrading the board to version 2.1 soon

Sadly it's true. John actually sent me this pic of him unboxing it on the day it arrived from EvangelicalBible.com...


If it is on the internet, it must be true. ;)
I like the new format; it looks much fresher than previously. I now see that there is an angry react button. I expect Perg's negative ratings to skyrocket. :p:stirpot:;)

Everybody's gotta excel at something!

Instead of the "Angry" react button though, I'd prefer to call it the "Weak and Triggered and I Wanna Call My Mommy" button.
Looks like some people who need to be thrown in the gulag for anti-social distancing.
I thought it looked like a couple of guys strolling through the neighborhood near my church. And one of them sees a friend down the street. I can't see things ending well.....
Oh, that's why my PB skin color changed back to the original PB skin color. I was wondering what was going on.
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No rush, Rich, but it looks like Google SSO (AKA connected accounts) for logging in is not working. Take your time on that one; I can authenticate manually, so no biggie.

Overall, I like the look and feel, but as a resident new guy, I had not become attached to the old layout yet.
I didn't read everything above so this might be a repeat. But how do you see all the posts? The new post button eliminates any post you have looked at previously. It's kind of early maybe I missed it.
Thanks for your work,

I love the new format as well. Thank you for your hard work Rich (@Semper Fidelis ) . This would not be PB if no one complained in a thread:chained:

Hoping now we can now finally get a Chicken Sandwhich sub-category ( only joking)!
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I decided to get rid of the angry emoji because it made the emojis go to a second line.

If one feels strongly enough, one can still reply (on most threads) with :mad: or :down:. So there is still plenty of opportunity for self expression.

While I don't like "new", thanks for keeping the place running. And this isn't as big of a deal as the last major platform change.
Yes, jesting aside, let us reiterate our thanks to Rich for his work in keeping PB going. In these days when many of us are isolated from human contact, it is more important than ever.
Thanks Rich, it looks great, but I must say I'm really missing the "recent posts" button...