Your post is so long that it would take more time than I have to deal with it. Here are just a few thoughts and questions.
I'm just curious why you think this. Are there historical examples of events that you are referencing?
Is this the case in all wars where divine support is claimed? Wouldn't this pit demon against demon? Is any warfare still today directed by demons? I'm not trying to corner you, just trying to figure out your position.
Paul is speaking hypothetically. Compare 1 Cor. 13:1.
ABOUT ORACLES: I believe I can dig up examples of pagan prophets who have correctly predicted things. Or have had prophetic dreams. Or have had myths of the future.
Some examples would be the many myths held by tribal peoples about the appearance of white men coming to bring the "words of life" or begin a new age. This has happened a lot here in Papua.
Even wikipedia acknowledges this strange phenomenon under the heading "White Gods" and these cultures almost always have a prediction of a return of these white gods:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_gods. This has aided missionary work in many lands (and also aided the Conquistadors as well when they thought Cortez was the return of Quetzelcoatl and the Inca treated Pizarro and his men like the Viracochas).
Bernal, the priest who traveled with Cortez, noted that the Mexicali’s predicted that Quezacoatl would return on the very day that Cortez and his man landed. They predicted he would be white and have a beard. The locals did not grow beards and were not white.
ABOUT THE GOD PAN: Yes, I believe the regional gods vie for territory and are jealous of one another. Do we expect demons to play well on a team? They are full of hate, greed, envy, and deceit. Do we expect them not to use this on each other?
As far as they are united and put into a hierarchy, this is out of fear. They are fearful servants, serving out of fear.
A house divided against itself cannot stand. And their house will not stand.
Those in hell will hate and blame one another. The gnashing of teeth will be upon one another physically as well, for we see this in the lowest degradation of mankind in cannibalism. Cannibalism is a forestaste of the sinner in hell.
The regional demons controls their nations and peoples and try to position them for power.
Are the miracles of demons real miracles? I am not positive, but they are close enough for us not to under-estimate their power. Both Aquinas and Augustine thought so. I agree with Aquinas by answering both YES and NO to this question.
In 83 Quaestiones Augustine says, “It often happens that miracles worked by means of the magical arts are similar to the miracles worked through the servants of God.”
And this is quoted by Aquinas's Summa in Part 1, Question 144, article 4: The Attacks of the Bad Angels, where he says,
"I respond: As is clear from what was said above (q. 110, a. 4), if ‘miracle’ is taken in the proper sense, then neither demons nor any other creature can work miracles—only God can, since a miracle, properly speaking, is something done outside the entire order of created nature, and every power belonging to a creature is contained within that order.
However, ‘miracle’ is sometimes used in a broad sense for something that exceeds human power and understanding. And given this sense, demons can perform ‘miracles’, i.e., works that astonish men insofar as they exceed their power and understanding. For even a man, to the extent that he does something that lies beyond the power and understanding of another man, inspires in that other man admiration at what he does, so that it seems that in some sense a miracle has been performed.
Notice, however, that even though demonic works of this sort, which seem like miracles to us, do not satisfy the true notion of a miracle, they are nonetheless real entities in certain cases.
For instance, through the power of demons the Pharaoh’s magicians made genuine snakes and frogs (Exodus 7:12 and 8:7).
And as Augustine says in De Civitate Dei 20, “When the fire fell from heaven and consumed Job’s household at one blow along with his herds of cattle, and when because of a storm the house collapsed and killed his children, all of which were works of Satan, these things were not imaginary.”
Linked here:
https://www3.nd.edu/~afreddos/summa-translation/Part 1/st1-ques114.pdf
was the Apostle Paul speaking hypothetically?
NO, I don't think the Apostle Paul was speaking hypothetically. I believe the devil and demons HAVE appeared as angels of light throughout history to deceive mankind.