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Dear Jeremy, not sure if this will be of any help, but I stayed single until the age of 33, and up until then, I could have counted on one hand the number of dates I had been on, which never resulted in a second date. Today I am married, this year will be going on five years, and our first child born this past December. I remember people telling me it wouldn't last but a few months, talking all kinds of nonsense. I see the sovereign grace and mercy of God in it all, and how God can surprise us, when we're least expecting it. At the same time, a wife and kids won't just come knocking on your door, or fall from the sky on your lap, it requires taking some chances, and willingness to get hurt. So I'd just like to encourage you to go for a pilgrimage, and see where the wild love of God lands you.
Be patient.

I met my husband on Christian Mingle. The website said we were a 100% match. We had our first date on March 23, were engaged on April 7, and married on June 24 in 2009. The marriage was shaky at best. We started off praying together and doing Bible studies, but those didn't last long. As time went by, we engaged in more and more secular activities and fewer spiritually edifying activities. I yearned for leadership and guidance, but he lost his fire. In less than 3 years time my husband abandoned me and left the church.

What is my point in all of this? I could have waited and maybe would have not be going through a divorce right now. I have put it all in God's capable hands and trust in His sovereignty, but my husband and I were hasty to marry when perhaps we should have invested more in building a solid foundation in the beginning.

Don't rush, God knows the desires of your heart. Don't change your geeky ways, you will be much happier if you find a lady who loves you for who you are rather than spending your life pretending. Spend your time preparing for marriage. Make sure that you are prepared to shepherd your wife and children, get your finances in order, buy a home, save some money. Everything will fall into place just when it is supposed to.
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