Sparks of Divine Glory: A Practical Study of the Attributes of God by C. Matthew McMahon (725 Pages, Linen Hardcover)
Is there a good reason to study the doctrine of God? Knowing God, or not knowing God, has eternal consequences to it. The Savior came to explain the Father (John 1:18) and he...
A Devotional on Our Savior’s Death and Passion by Charles Herle (1598-1659)
Charles Herle (1598-1659) was an active member of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, and, in 1646, was chosen to preside over the assembly; he was known as a deep divine, a great scholar and eminently pastoral.
The Wonders of Jesus by Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1646)
Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1646), was a brilliant Reformed preacher of the Gospel, and an astute theologian. He ministered with pastoral sensitivity and a zealous desire to glorify God in his preaching and writing.
One of the more "exciting"...
Reformation of the Heart, Soul and Mind by C. Matthew McMahon (142 pages)
In this study, McMahon considers the universal and perpetual teaching of loving God and loving one’s neighbor, as it pertains to the heart, soul and mind of a Christian. His main text is taken from Christ’s words in Matt...
The Great Mystery of God’s Providence, and Other Works by George Gifford (1547-1620)
George Gifford (1547-1620) was known as a fiery preacher of the Gospel, a thorough exegete of God’s word, one who filled his sermons and works with practical exactness, while being eminently simple to...
A Watchman Over Christ’s Church by C. Matthew McMahon (105 pages)
The watchman’s life is a life of consecration; a life on the wall dividing the world and church, to watch and take heed, to sound the alarm, and bring God’s message to his people boldly, faithfully and plainly. The watchman acts...
A Biblical Guide to Hearing and Studying the Word by Nathaniel Ranew (1602-1678), John Philips (1585-1663), Henry Smith (1560-1601), Richard Greenham (1531-1594), William Ames (1576-1633), Thomas Senior (n.d.), David Clarkson (1622-1686), Daniel Burgess (1645-1713), Thomas Manton (1620-1677) and...
I Am for You: God’s Power in Supporting His People by C. Matthew McMahon
This volume is a spiritual journey through five important Scriptures: Jeremiah 3:1, Mark 5:25-34, Luke 16:4, 1 Samuel 17:34-35, and Ezekiel 36:9. It demonstrates the cultivation of true assurance that Christians can...
The Kingdom of Heaven is Upon You by C. Matthew McMahon
Jesus preached, “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand,” (Matthew 4:17). This is the Gospel. But what did Jesus mean by preaching in this way? Is Christ’s gospel the gospel we know and love as Paul preached, and many ministers...
Repentance and Prayer by Ralph Brownrig (1592–1659)
Ralph Brownrig (1592–1659) was hailed as one of the greatest lights in the church in his day, was an excellent preacher, a rigid Calvinist, and was nominated to the Westminster Assembly (though he didn't attend).
The work is divided into four...
The Cursed Family, or the Evil of Neglecting Family Prayer by Thomas Risley (1630–1716)
Thomas Risley (1630–1716) was an English Presbyterian minister with a tender pastoral heart, and a fiery preacher of Christ’s Gospel.
Risley’s thesis is that wicked houses are under the curse of God, and...
When you have finished reading this work by Durant, if you soak in even a measure of what he explains, you will come away with being lovesick for the Savior.
Discovering the Glorious Love of Christ by John Durant (1620-1686)
John Durant (1620-1686) was a popular independent puritan minister...
The Five Principles of the Gospel by C. Matthew McMahon
We may hear preachers say, "believe the simple Gospel of Jesus Christ and be saved!" Is the "simple Gospel" contained only in that single short phrase? If we speak that kind of short phrase to an indigenous native of some foreign country...
The Excellent Name of God by Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1646)
Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1646) was a brilliant Reformed preacher of the Gospel, and a member of the Westminster Assembly. He ministered with pastoral sensitivity and a zealous desire to glorify God in his preaching and writing...
covenant theology
eternal life
reformed theology
theology proper
westminster assembly
The Blessed God by Daniel Burgess (1645-1713)
Daniel Burgess (1645-1713) was a popular Reformed, Presbyterian minister, and fiery preacher in his day.
To intimately know God is the substance of this work by Burgess. It is not only to know God as God has revealed his essence, but Burgess, as...
covenant theology
eternal life
reformed theology
theology proper
westminster assembly
God is Our Refuge and Our Strength by George Gipps (n.d.)
George Gipps (n.d.) was a member of the Westminster Assembly, is noted as a strong Christian of personal piety, and was a faithful minister of the Gospel in Aylstone, Leicester-shire England.
In this work, Gipps deals particularly with...
Remembering Your Creator by Matthew Mead (Meade) (1630-1699)
Matthew Mead (Meade) (1630-1699) was an independent puritan divine, and popular reformed preacher and morning lecturer at Stepney Church (London).
In this work, Mead sets down the sincere choosing of God which should result in...
5 Marks of Christian Resolve by C. Matthew McMahon
There is no real commendability in a mere resolve. If Christians resolve to do something, and never actually get around to doing it, what good is that? A weak and wobbling resolution in this way, holds in it nothing of real value. But if...
Attending the Lord’s Table by Henry Tozer (1602-1650)
Henry Tozer (1602-1650) was a noted theologian, and puritan preacher of the Gospel. He was invited to sit on the Westminster Assembly, but declined in order to preach regularly to the king at Oxford.
When Christians participate in the...
Faith, Election and the Believer’s Assurance by George Gifford (1547-1620)
George Gifford (1547-1620) was a most excellent puritan divine described as a fiery Gospel preacher, learned and able, being a great enemy to popery.
In this Scriptural exhortation and teaching on 2 Peter 1:1-11...
"A top-notch, soul-encouraging, biblically-rich and God-glorifying work on Christ's ravishing love for his spouse on Song of Songs 4:9." - McMahon
A Treatise of the Loves of Christ to His Spouse by Samuel Bolton, D.D. (1606-1654)
Samuel Bolton, D.D. (1606-1654) was a Westminster divine and...
covenant theology
divine love
love god
puritan sermons
puritan theology
reformed theology
song of solomon
song of songs
westminsterconfessionwestminster divine
The Doctrine of Man’s Future Eternity by John Jackson (1600-1648)
John Jackson (1600-1648) was a Westminster Puritan divine with a hearty theological intellect, and tender pastoral understanding.
In this work, Jackson lays down biblically the doctrine of eternity, and the importance of man’s...
Mr. Bowles, in this excellent and stirring treatise, fights diligently against false and hypocritical, zeal. He, instead, in this famous address, sets down the biblical zeal of a true reformer.
Zeal for God’s House Quickened by Oliver Bowles B.D. (1574-1664?)
Oliver Bowles B.D. (1574-1664?)...
Discerning the Signs of the Times and the Church’s Reformation by Samuel Willard (1640-1707)
Samuel Willard (1640-1707) was a reformed preacher of the Gospel in the old South Boston Church in New England, president of Harvard University, and one of the great Protestant ministers of his day...
The Believer’s Marriage with Christ by Michael Harrison (1640-1729)
Michael Harrison (1640-1729) was a faithful puritan minister of the Gospel and a powerful Reformed Presbyterian preacher. Everything we have published from Harrison is top notch. We have one final work to publish by him on the...
The Victorious Christian Soldier in Christ’s Army by Urian Oakes (1631–1681)
Urian Oakes (1631–1681) was a New England divine, and president of Harvard College. Edmund Calamy states that Oakes was noted for the uncommon sweetness of his temper as a minister of the Gospel, greatly beloved by his...
George Gifford is one of those puritan preachers that most are not familiar with, but ought to be. He is a storehouse of biblical sweetness, and draws out the truths surrounding the Lord Jesus Christ in his work and merit of salvation to the praise of God’s glorious grace.
Taking Hold of...
Directions for Improvement in Grace and Practical Godliness in Times of Extraordinary Danger by Richard Alleine (1611-1681)
Richard Alleine (1611-1681) was a powerful puritan preacher and godly minister of the Gospel. He was a pious man, filled with meekness and moderation.
In all the biblical...
I heard it said that the WCF doesn't take a definite stance on a millennial view, but if we read the chapter about the Final Judgment, it becomes clear the writers of the confession were certain of the fact that on the Day Christ returns in the clouds of heaven, that is the Day when He judges...
5 Marks of Devotion to God by C. Matthew McMahon
Do you long for a closer relationship to the Savior Jesus Christ? Do you desire a more intimate communion with God each day? Every true Christian does.
The purpose of this volume in the “5 Marks Series” is to cover the spiritual disciplines...
bible reading
bible study
family reformation
personal devotion
quiet time
reformed theology