
  1. Regi Addictissimus

    When studying theological works, do you mark up books or

    Brethren, good day. I am curious to hear your methods of approaching studying. When reading theological works, do you take notes and then review them? Do you underline, mark, or highlight passages as you read through it, and then review them? I am personally a note taker. I take a plethora of...
  2. TylerRay

    Textbooks at Union Seminary, 1865

    The following is a letter from R. L. Dabney to a seminary student. The context is that the War is over, the South is reduced to poverty, and Dabney is telling him what textbooks to try to borrow from pastors in his presbytery.
  3. BlackCalvinist

    Calvinism From Non-reformed To Reformed: Opening Perspectives

    New article series I'm running on my site at This is the first installment. I’ve literally been working on this article for about seventeen years. That’s roughly the amount of time I’ve been reformed. Back then, attending a solid-ish independent baptist church and directing...
  4. Mathias321

    What Reformed Flavor am I?

    I know there are different kinds of reformed, though we all agree on the core reformed (confessional) standards. I wanted to know for a long time, what kind (or flavor) of reformed am I based on my beliefs? Or, what group of people who were considered reformed would my views best fit into...
  5. S

    John Murray's lectures on Theology Proper

    Hi, My first post I think so please excuse me if I get something wrong. I was re-reading Frame's article about systematics and apologetics at Westminster last night (here: Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Westminster - Reformed ... [Word doc]), and again I found Frame's references to 90...
  6. Shane2336

    For my Baptist brethren

    1) The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology by Pascal Denault 2) A Reformed Baptist Manifesto by Samuel E. Waldron 3) 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith (Pocket sized, faux leather) First come first serve! We'll work out the details via PM.
  7. G

    Help a conflicted pastor

    I think I understand and agree with reformed teaching concerning oppression, Satan, and his activity. It all makes sense when reading a book or article by a reformed author. Job's boils and the Church in Smyrna seem to answer EVERY question. I honestly hope they do answer all - but after all...
  8. Christian Teegardin

    My Personal Thoughts On the TULIP (Completely Calvinist, Don't Worry)

    I hope my 'mini-message' will be a blessing to the seasoned Reformed believers. There will be some speculation, but I hope I don't pander too far into the mysteries of things. I tend to think very deeply about things, like theology. CORRECT ME IF I MESS UP ON ANY THEOLOGICAL POINTS. I AM NOT A...
  9. John P

    What Happened to the Church the Moment the Apostles Died?

    So, I was reading Ignatius today so that I can say (over time, of course) that I have read the works of the Church Fathers (I know that Ignatius isn't the only Church Father, but I'm starting with the Apostolic Fathers and moving forward), and I was shocked at what Ignatius, who was supposedly...
  10. M

    What is "Theology"?

    Over the years, I have read many books and chapters on Theology, but I cannot recall ever coming across a precise and satisfactory one/two line definition of what "Theology" is. I know what Theology is, but defining it is a tricky task. So I put the question before you friends, What is the best...
  11. M

    Is Studying Philosophy Economically Useless?

    G'day Mates. I am 17 years-old and I am currently enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts Program at a secular university. The program allows students to major in two subjects. I am currently majoring in Philosophy and have yet to confirm my second major (although, I must say, Classical Languages...
  12. Stope

    Revisted: Is belief in the Trinity... necesary for salvation

    Part of the reason I joined the PB was to seek a sound response to the question "Is belief in the Trinity-specifically the 3 persons of God-neccesary for salvation?". I searched and found a similar thread already that existed and I didnt ever end up seeing a response (I just ended up seeing...
  13. J

    Reformed & Wesleyan

    I received a full scholarship to study at Asbury Theological Seminary. So far, the readings have been pretty diverse, including some Reformed authors. As you see it, what are the similarities between the Reformed and Wesleyan perspectives? (I know there are many differences, but I'd be...
  14. M

    Reformed study program in Europe

    Dear PB members, I am from Prague, Czech Republic and I am hoping to study at some theological school/Bible college with reformed views and get a better understanding of various theological issues, God's Word and also get equipped for doing ministry work in my home country. I was wondering if...
  15. Timobe

    Wisdom of Solomon/book of wisdom - Theology of the book

    Hello everyone ! What are the doctrinal points that are deficient/antibiblical in wisdom of Solomon, the apocrypha coming from the LXX ? I would really appreciate a clear and full view of the thing by someone who already read it in order to be able to read it aware of his issues. Be...
  16. M

    Gospel Commentary Recommendation wanted

    I am looking for a Bible commentary composed of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and one on the whole New Testament. Basically, I'm not looking for something with Greek or Latin since I never studied Theology in a Seminary, but a commentary which explains the context of each Bible passage. I...
  17. thbslawson

    Who's Reformed??

    This may seem like a dumb question, but what exactly does the term "reformed" mean? It seems the exact use of and application of the word in regards to an individual, church or denomination has become rather subjective and gets thrown around a lot. For instance, I hear it said from time to...
  18. JS116

    What's On Your List?

    Ahhhh.. CHRISTmas time is coming!we all know as christians why that day is special out of any other holidays. I just wanted to ask what things are you looking foward to receiving this year? Me personally other than the unfailing grace of God and the presence of my family I'm looking for...
  19. dahlfred

    Any there any Reformed folks who've done a degree at Talbot?

    I am a PCA TE and a church planting missionary in Thailand, currently in the U.S. for a year for home assignment. I am looking around for a school to do a Th.M in Church History (or Historical Theology as 2nd choice) with hopes o teaching later. Because of family and time/location...
  20. speric

    Reformed News: Sensus Divinitatis News

    Just wanted to announce that Sensus Divinitatis News is officially out of beta, and signups are open. We've added some new profile functionality (see the example at Sensus Divinitatis News - User profile: nwbingham), and we'll be rolling out some more social features in the coming weeks...
  21. T

    John Hagee's theology

    i just saw a video on you tube where John Hagee claims that Jesus was never meant to be the messiah to the Jew, that he never took on that role. also that Jew's can not be condemned for rejecting the messiah because Jesus was not their messiah. (at least thats what i got out of it, i could have...
  22. T

    reformed rap?

    so, what do you think of guys taking reformed theology and rapping about it? the rapper i am talking about is shai linne. i just came across him, to my surprise the lyrics are very biblical. so, is that ok? here is a link to my blog where you can hear a song if you like