systematic theology

  1. C

    Berkhof and the necessity of Jesus' divinity

    On pg 319 (Banner of Truth Edition) of his Systematic Theology, in the chapter on the names and natures of Christ, Berkhof statest that it is absolutely essential for the Mediator to be very God in order that: 1. He might bring a sacrifice of infinite value and render perfect obedience to...
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    Charles Hodge And Van Til

    So I just got a copy of Hodges 3 volume systematic ($27 on WTS right now). A few months ago I was reading Van Til on introduction to systematic theology and He was saying that Hodge did not assume the Christian Worldview (presupposition) before applying his ideas of systematics (which is still...
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    Bavinck, a' Brakel, Turretin, or Muller

    If you have $100 to spend, which systematic theology would you buy? Why? If something else, what would you buy and why? I already have Calvin, Berkhof, and Grudem.
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    Michael Horton's Systematic Theology

    Does anyone know much about this? I know he is teaching through his material in his Sunday School class, but I don't know much more than that? How will it differ from Covenant and Eschatology: The Divine Drama, Covenant and Salvation: Union with Christ, Lord and Servant: A Covenant...