Note: This is not a debate. I would like the following questions addressed according to the verse that's listed below.
I have often heard it argued that the Regulative Principle of Worship precludes having choirs or soloists in corporate worship. Yet, we find in 1 Cor 14:26,
After reading this thread about having a cross in church I wanted to find out what furniture and decorations are allowed during a worship service under the regulative principle. Coming from a non-reformed background and new to the idea of the RPW, here is my working definition of the regulative...
Hi everyone. I've recently embraced exclusive Psalmody as the only consistently Biblical application of the regulative principle to our congregational singing. John Murray's thoughts on the issue clinched everything for me. Nevertheless, I'm a member of a church who embraces historic hymnody...
Lately, I've been thinking about music in worship. I like singing hymns, but I don't like singing other kinds of music that are more rocky, just doesn't seem appropriate. That may be just my preference, and as I've said about my preferences, I don't think they are a good gauge of what...