
  1. Travis Fentiman

    Resources Available: Godly Children's Books

    Short on money for buying godly children's books? Here is a collection of godly stories and books for children and youth, which I hope will be a blessing to you and your kids, especially if you don’t have a lot of money. Many of the older children’s books that are sold by Christian publishers...
  2. Travis Fentiman

    Family Worship: Resources Available

    Do you love God and your family? If you love God, you love more than anything in life communing with Him and worshipping Him, above the distractions of life. If you love your family, you desire to provide them the best things. And if you love both God and your family, you will find...
  3. Travis Fentiman

    Covenant of Redemption: Resource Available

    The Covenant of Redemption is: the eternal, inter-Trinitarian covenant between the Father and the Son whereby the Son guarantees to purchase and bring God’s chosen people to eternal life and Heaven forever, laying the foundation for the Covenant of Grace as it is offered and entered into by...
  4. Travis Fentiman

    Experiential Religion: Resources Available

    What is Experiential Religion? Jonathan Edwards: “A gracious experience arises from operations and influences which are spiritual, from an inward principle which is divine, a communication of God, a participation of the divine nature [2 Pet. 1:4]: Christ living in the heart, the Holy Spirit...
  5. Travis Fentiman

    Resources Available - Keeping the Lord's Day

    Friends, In light of the recent Super Bowl, how are we to keep the Lord's Day holy? What are the practical nuts and bolts of it? Is our main focus upon enjoying and worshipping the Lord only for public worship in the morning, or is it to extend to the whole day? Is it ok to eat out at...