
  1. Travis Fentiman

    Free A.A. Alexander Book on Systematic Theology

    Archibald Alexander (1772–1851) is known for his warm, experimental Calvinism, being the first professor at Old Princeton Seminary and for being a father of early American presbyterianism. Charles Hodge (1797–1878), a major theologian in his own right, was his student, and took down Alexander’s...
  2. Travis Fentiman

    Luther's Works Online

    Happy Labor Day! In celebration here are Martin Luther’s 82 volumes of Works in English, most of which are fully online, including his many commentaries on Biblical books: Martin Luther’s Works at ReformedBooksOnline Rejoice and be glad; these are days of thanksgiving! “Let all those that...
  3. Travis Fentiman

    Early & Medieval Church Bible Commentaries Online

    We live in extraordinary times. In the benevolent provision of God I have been able to collect a collection of more than 575 bible commentaries from early and medieval Church figures in English, around 64% of which are fully available online for free: The Early & Medieval Church Fathers on...
  4. Travis Fentiman

    Communication of Properties in Christ

    How is it said that God purchased the Church with his blood (Acts 20:28), when God does not have blood? The answer is that it was Christ who bled, who is both God and man. The attribution of the properties of one of Christ’s natures to the other (such as in Acts 20:28) is called the doctrine...
  5. Travis Fentiman

    Online Resources on Perichoresis

    Perichoresis is a Greek word that refers to the mutual love and indwelling of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Social Trinitarians (rife in evangelicalism today) take this concept to teach that the Father, Son and Spirit have separate wills. The orthodox, early Church councils, on the other...
  6. Travis Fentiman

    New, Copyrighted Books being made Legally Available & Free Online

    A quiet revolution is occuring: More and more new, copyrighted books in all fields of theology and Bible scholarship are being made available for free on the net. Internet Archive, a major, online library, continues to legally put up 3,500 books a day, from 18 locations across the world, onto...
  7. Travis Fentiman

    When is Material Cooperation with Evil Justified?

    Have you ever bought clothes or shoes originally made in a sweatshop in a third-world country? Do you ever take Tylenol or Aspirin, which has used research from the fetal cells of aborted babies in its continued development? It is nearly impossible to avoid all forms and degrees of material...
  8. Travis Fentiman

    Reference Lists of Commentaries on Books of the Bible

    If you are looking for recommended commentaries on the books of the Bible, there is a page of Recommendations for Bible Commentaries at ReformedBooksOnline. However, if you desire to take it to the next level, and look into the important commentaries on a book of the Bible from all of Church...
  9. Travis Fentiman

    Sermon & Textual Indices on the Bible

    One of the greatest resources and blessings is an index that gives resources on every chapter and verse of the Bible. While the Sermon & Textual Index at is the largest, reformed index with links online, yet there are a number of other indices available, both in print...
  10. Travis Fentiman

    Calvin & Beza on Providence: Translated by Knox

    Two brief but valuable pieces on Providence by Calvin and Beza were translated from French and Latin by John Knox. However as they have laid in the midst of Knox’s massive volume on Predestination in very old and difficult English (even in the latest reprint of Knox’s Works), few people it...
  11. Travis Fentiman

    How Church Rulings Do & Do Not Bind, & of Breaking Them

    If the Church is not neglected today, it is often idolized; if Church authority is not disregarded, it is frequently turned absolute. The Biblical and historically presbyterian position is that Church authority is conditional, and can only confirm the truth and what is good; it binds only...
  12. Travis Fentiman

    Resources on the Peace & Purity of the Church

    One of the main aims of Church discipline, which should also be the aim of all Christians, is to seek the peace and purity of Christ’s Church. It is not always readily clear however, what that principle calls for in particular situations; and the phrase is often readily misused by those who...
  13. Travis Fentiman

    Reformed Resources on Scandal

    The topic of scandal may seem obscure, until one finds oneself in the midst of dealing with one; scandals, in fact, are all around us. Where does one go for help? Until now there has not been an abundance of reformed resources on the topic. These resources will be especially helpful for...
  14. Travis Fentiman

    On Demon Possession & Exorcism Today

    This is a personal topic for myself, Travis Fentiman, MDiv., LPN. Until I became a nurse, I never had any first-hand experience with demonic possession. But since then, after talking to and observing many persons who hear ‘voices’ in their head, I have become persuaded that most...
  15. Travis Fentiman

    Reformed Polemical Theologies Online

    One of the most popular generas of reformed scholasticism was Polemical Theology, which is Scriptural theology that is organized around refuting false doctrines and religions. The brilliance of the light is often most clearly seen in contrast to the darkness of error. Little is it known that...
  16. Travis Fentiman

    More Writings of Westminster Divines Online

    Around Thanksgiving we had over 890 online writings of the Westminster divines collected on our site. Realizing there were some that we had missed, we kept digging, searching and scurrying. We are glad to announce that, by the blessing of God, we have been able to cull together for you 1,118...
  17. Travis Fentiman

    Reformed Resources on Political Theology

    How can politics be reformed according to the Word of God? Christians more than ever need to gain a more thorough understanding of what Christianity says about politics and law. To say that political theology has been neglected in modern times is an understatement. If it is of help, I have...
  18. Travis Fentiman

    New Release: Westminster: God is Not the Author of Sin

    The following piece may be the least known, but most important, short document of the Westminster Assembly. A book was circulated in London arguing that God is the Author even of Sin, this being purportedly for the benefit of saints taking comfort in this in their trials. The Westminster...
  19. Travis Fentiman

    Works of the Westminster Divines Online, Now more Complete than Ever

    A few months ago Phase II of Early English Books Online, which contains over 35,000 volumes, became freely open to the public online. Hence, I have been able to add several hundred volumes to: All of the Writings of the Westminster Divines in English Online which now contains over 890 works...
  20. Travis Fentiman

    New Translation of Rollock on Predestination

    There is a short tract in Latin on God’s decree of predestination by Robert Rollock, the early and formative Scottish theologian, which was left untranslated in his two volume Select Works. It has now been translated and made publicly available for the first time. Rollock here treats of the...
  21. Travis Fentiman

    An Extraordinary Calling? Reformed Resources

    Sometimes persons claim to have an extraordinary calling to the ministry, not being under any Church government. Is this legitimate? Interestingly, this difficult, but Biblical topic of an extraordinary calling was well hammered out in the Reformation and puritan eras. Samuel Rutherford...
  22. Travis Fentiman

    Classifications & Degrees of Sins: Resources

    Not all sins are the same, nor affect the believer, and God’s grace in them, the same. Exploring the reformed material and distinctions on this new page of resources will help you to become much more acquainted with the nuances of our Lord’s will in these things. Specifically, the Romanists...
  23. Travis Fentiman

    Contra Romanism & that She is a Church & Her Baptism is Valid, etc.

    Friends, What does one do when a very good defender of Romanist doctrines poses arguments that seem legitimate, and one is not able to answer them? I have built a library of works (concentrated on the 1600’s) that systematically refute Romanism doctrine by doctrine in order that you can...
  24. Travis Fentiman

    Great News! EEBO Phase 2 & RBO

    Friends, If you have not heard already, Phase 2 of Early English Books Online has just been made publicly available on the net (ahead of schedule); the collection has over 35,000 volumes, including many reformed and puritan works. You may search Phases 1 & 2 here...
  25. Travis Fentiman

    Resources on Church Order & Ordinances

    The Reformation recognized that numerous commands in Scripture were for the good-order of the Church in their given context, and were not absolutely binding, without qualification, on all times and societies. This Scriptural category of 'Church ordinances' was a common-place in Reformation...
  26. Travis Fentiman

    Online Puritan Works on Spreading Diseases

    The puritans suffered through many spreading diseases and plagues and have given us: (1) Careful and even handed, cautionary advice in such situations, (2) noble and heroic examples to follow, and (3) a wealth of moving and poignant spiritual treasure on this topic. Here is a webpage that has...
  27. Travis Fentiman

    Resources on the Apocrypha & Pseudepigrapha

    Why should a Christian read a significant portion of the apocryphal literature? Because falsehood and deception breeds on ignorance. The Truth does not fear the unknown, or anything at all; rather, it exposes darkness for what it is. Do not found your faith on ignorance. Have you found God’s...
  28. Travis Fentiman

    Reformed Resources on Prayer

    After the joys of Thanksgiving may we be "continuing instant in prayer". (Rom. 12:12) I hope these many resources that have been collected from the best literature on prayer in reformed history stir us up to be continually conversing with our beloved God; and I hope the collection may be of...
  29. Travis Fentiman

    Online Works Against the Roman Apologist Bellarmine

    The Jesuit Robert Bellarmine (d. 1621) was the most important apologist in all of Church history for the Romanist Church. Responses to his works numbered into the several hundreds. As Bellarmine's volumes of disputations covered most doctrines of the Christian faith in an orderly way, so full...
  30. Charles Johnson

    Rutherford's Examination of Arminianism partly Translated

    Greetings brethren and fellow PBer's, There is a new translation of never-before-translated sections of Samuel Rutherford's Examen Arminianismi available now on Reformed Books Online. The work is a systematic examination and refutation of the teachings of the Remonstrant Arminians and it tends...