covenant theology

  1. ReadBavinck

    Kline on the "Essential Unity" of Covenant Administrations

    "Finally, this concept of Intrusion ethics does not obscure the unity of the Covenant of Redemption throughout its various administrations. It does bring into bolder relief the basic structure of that covenant in its historical unfolding and in so doing inevitably displays its essential unity."...
  2. B

    The Covenant Theology of Samuel Petto (New Book from RHB)

    Reformed Heritage Books has just come out with Rev. Michael Brown's new book Christ AND THE CONDITION: THE COVENANT THEOLOGY OF SAMUEL PETTO (1624–1711) This is for all of you students of the Puritans and the historical development of covenant theology (especially the relationship of the...
  3. Z

    Nehemiah Coxe pdf scan

    Hello all, I am looking for a scanned copy of Nehemiah Coxes book on Discourse Concerning the Covenants. Does anyone have a copy or know where I can find one? I have checked all of the usual suspects,, google books, open library, puritan downloads, etc. Have any of you found it...
  4. JS116

    Am I a Dispensationalist?..

    Hey guys! It's me again with more questions that need answers haha.Well I finally have submitted my application to the baptist church I was telling you about.For those of you who dont know they are 5 point calvinstic leaky Dispensationalists,mainly in exact agreement with John Macarthur.Although in a sense...
  5. Pilgrim

    A Presbyterian and a Reformed Baptist discuss baptism
  6. C

    Classical Covenant Theology vs Klinean Covenant Theology

    What are the overarching differences between classical reformed covenant theology (e.g., Witsius) and Klinean covenant theology? Perhaps I'm using the terms poorly and I know that not all will agree with pitting these two viewpoints, but I'm just wondering as I continue to try and make sense of...
  7. C. Matthew McMahon

    The Covenant of God - By Rev. Thomas Blake

    Blake's work is a master treatise on Covenant Theology. This is a tome of the highest caliber on a topic that is most needful to be understood by the Evangelical Church today – Covenant Theology and inclusion in the Covenant of God. Blake was one of the Westminster Divines. He wrote this work...
  8. C. Matthew McMahon

    Vindiciae Foederis, A Treatise of the Covenant of God with Mankind

    I've been working on a 700 page monster by Rev. Thomas Blake on covenant theology. We simply cannot have enough good CT books out there. It is a quintessential Westminster view and a really great work overall. It is finally "done". Vindiciae Foederis, A Treatise of the Covenant of God...
  9. johnbugay

    Discussion of Hahn's Dissertation on Covenant Theology

    At Jason Stellman's Blog, De Regnis Duobus, Jason is hosting a review and discussion of the published version of Scott Hahn's PhD dissertation, Kinship and Covenant, (recently published by Yale University Press). Jason is a WSC grad, pastor of Exile Presbyterian Church (PCA), and has been over...
  10. A

    A new hermeneutic?

    In my reading of the Reformers and the Puritans I am yet to find them explain that in the NT we find a New Israel being formed in Christ and a New Exodus etc, or that Israel recapitulated the sin of Adam etc, and that baptism casts us back to the Exodus and the Waters in Genesis 1 etc as...