Puritan Board Junior
Well just a quick update, I've basically decided to remain in the church of Scotland. I left for a little while but really i don't feel called to any other denomination and I don't argee greatly with the free church of Scotland. I feel theres a lot of legalism and just taking secondary issues and making them first place issues.
Very soon though, as the youth leader, I am going to be given the role of organising a youth club and then teaching that youth club the bible God willing.
So I have a few questions
1) To a bunch of 16+ year olds, who have been raised in a Church that was largely doctrinally ignorant and had a liberal teach them for 3 years then no minister for 3 years.
Where would you suggest I start teaching? I'm planning on doing a whole course on the gospel itself and the need of faith and repentance. But should I start with that? Any advice??
2) Any advice on communicating with young people and communicating the gospel. I'm not going to be standing up and preaching most probably, I think we'll be sitting around a table and I'll be teaching from the scriptures and making up sheets with the scriptures on it.
I want it to be interactive but I don't really want it to end up as an inductive "what does this verse mean to you" bible study. Any suggestions?
3) Any other advice in general for my role? Really even if its a hard message I want as much advice as anyone can give me and think is relevant.
Thanks a lot, take care. God bless.
Well just a quick update, I've basically decided to remain in the church of Scotland. I left for a little while but really i don't feel called to any other denomination and I don't argee greatly with the free church of Scotland. I feel theres a lot of legalism and just taking secondary issues and making them first place issues.
Very soon though, as the youth leader, I am going to be given the role of organising a youth club and then teaching that youth club the bible God willing.
So I have a few questions
1) To a bunch of 16+ year olds, who have been raised in a Church that was largely doctrinally ignorant and had a liberal teach them for 3 years then no minister for 3 years.
Where would you suggest I start teaching? I'm planning on doing a whole course on the gospel itself and the need of faith and repentance. But should I start with that? Any advice??
2) Any advice on communicating with young people and communicating the gospel. I'm not going to be standing up and preaching most probably, I think we'll be sitting around a table and I'll be teaching from the scriptures and making up sheets with the scriptures on it.
I want it to be interactive but I don't really want it to end up as an inductive "what does this verse mean to you" bible study. Any suggestions?
3) Any other advice in general for my role? Really even if its a hard message I want as much advice as anyone can give me and think is relevant.
Thanks a lot, take care. God bless.