Working, Eating, and Giving


Puritan Board Sophomore
I am just returning from a trip to the Big Apple. I was approached by roughly 10, maybe more, people begging for food and money.

I bought food for one gentleman but the rest seemingly were only after money. Normally I try to have a sit down and talk of the Gospel with these folks but I didn't have my bag of tracts and I was with my girlfriend and did not want to abandon her in a shady place while I talk to someone for a bit.

I'm curious as to thoughts involving a few verses of Scripture:

2 Thess 3:10

Matt 5:42, Luke 6:30, etc.

Proverbs 19:17, 22:9

There are probably others I could pull, but my main question for discussion revolves around understanding how each of these verses play off of each other in regards to helping the poor.

Any input/wisdom is much appreciated, thank you.
Just throwing my two cents in for the sake of discussion. Most of the verses you brought up command giving to those in need, while 2 Thess 3:10 teaches when to withhold needs from someone. I think another good distinction to consider how to take these commands personally and how the Church corporately should take these commands. Right now I would believe that deciding when someone should "not eat" shouldn't be decided by you or me but should be decided by church government. I'm willing to be corrected on this.
That's very noble of you.
I largely avoid beggars any more. We have a lot in our retail area for whatever reason. I think a lot are ploys. We offered some jobs and they turned them down. For that reason I have little respect for them. Giving them money does little good. I just support charities, both local and Christian, and my church as they know how to handle the people and their situations better.
I've found tipping to be a way to amplify the effort someone is making for himself (like at the carwash). Otherwise it's a case by case decision, but virtually never on the street. During the winter, our local library has many homeless coming in to stay warm and I've wished to find a way to make a connection.
If you're a beggar in this country (US), it's because you WON'T lay hold of the means available to help needy people. No doubt there are exceptions, abuse of the system, and abuse by the system, but by and large, I think most people are reduced to beggary because they refuse to deal with their problems of substance abuse, mental illness--which is not sinful in itself--and sinfulness. To give them money or even food enables them to continue in their destructive course, and I'm very reluctant to do it.
In foreign countries, I have a softer spot for beggars, since I don't know what opportunities they have. Many who are reduced to penury there are actually trying to sell something, and often I buy a box of gum or some trinket I didn't really want, because they're actually trying.
I have the softest place for the poor in our church, who do try hard but are simply poor--"the poor you have with you always." Our greatest duty to the poor is to them, in my opinion.
Yeah, I'm seeing in Scripture that the ones begging that get helped are ones that have some defect that would probably lead to an inability to be able to hold down a job. E.g. lame, blind, etc.

Doesn't seem right to continue to encourage that type of behavior that thinks they can continue to eat without being willing to work. A ton of these guys that I ran into are usually half naked and can barely speak. You feel bad but, I don't know that these are the poor that I should be helping by giving money or feeding.. sounds harsh but they need to come to their senses, being slothful shouldn't pay dividends. I might have to readjust how I handle these situations in the future.