"Perkins is adamant that assurance belongs to the essence of true faith. Read the following statements by Perkins and then compare them with the WCF 18:3.
Perkins wrote much on the subject of assurance. One statement does not suffice to understand the complexities of his theological and pastoral approach to the subject. Even the quoted statement itself could be understood as referring either to an objective or subjective certainty, and requires a larger context to determine its meaning.
So far as objective certainty is concerned, it is a clear teaching of the Westminster Standards that remission of sins and life everlasting are certain and particular benefits which are offered by Christ in the gospel and it is the essential office of saving faith to rest upon Christ for these benefits, WCF 14.2. But so far as the subjective enjoyment of these benefits is concerned there are varying degrees of certainty in a true and lively faith, WCF 18.3.
There still seems to me, to be an apparent shift within the categorical terms of infallible assurance made in the WCF.
I do not believe there is any infallible assurance in the preparatory works of the Spirit prior to justification. I believe infallible assurance is of the essence of faith and is for nature – certainty itself (Rom 8:16). Infallible assurance may be further subjectively realized throughout sanctification as the objective promises of the gospel are embraced in true faith.
Rev. Gordon has challenged me more here and has commented on his blog to some of the comments made here on the PB.
"Christ said to Peter, Matt. 14:31, O thou of little faith, wherefore didest thou doubt? Where he makes an opposition between faith and doubting thereby giving us directly to understand, that to be certain, and to give assurance is of the nature of faith. Rom. 4:20-22, Paul says of Abraham that he did not doubt the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, and gave glory to God being fully assured, that he which promised was able to do it, where I observe first that doubting is made a fruit of unbelief. Therefore, infallible certainty and assurance, being contrary to doubting, must proceed from true faith, considering that contrary effects come of contrary causes, and contrary causes produce contrary effects.
Now is Perkins describing, as Rev. Winzer questions, objective or subjective assurance? Well, why is Abraham commended? Because he did not waiver in unbelief. The very nature (essence) of true faith is to "believe" the promises. But notice the divide that is proposed, Abraham might have believed the promises objectively (promises of land and the Seed who is Christ), but not subjectively known that is was for him? Huh? Romans 4 loses all its force if this is the case. Same with Peter; Christ, in a form, chastises Peter for his "subjective" doubt. Why? Because doubting is inconsistent with true faith.”
No one doubts that Perkins dealt with “doubting” and issues of “subjectivity”. Rev. Gordon points it out here,
“Perkins states that the very thing commended about Abraham's faith was that in his embracing of the objective promises of the gospel, he did not subjectively doubt them. So, as Perkins observes, assurance is subjectively realized as the objective promises of the gospel are embraced in true faith because that is the nature of true faith, to not doubt.”
The problem remains in, WCF 18:3. What are the result/consequences of the Spirit bearing witness with your spirit in justification? Is this a one way street? Once this takes place you have the witness of the Spirit, infallible assurance in true and perfect seed form, that you are a child of God. This is not something that a true believer may need to wait long for as in WCF 18:3. A true believer may wait long for his infallible assurance to be more grounded and further realized in Christ as he grows closer to him, even so, we only see through a glass darkly at the height of our growth and increase.
Categorically, infallible assurance is not a matter of just becoming a solid confident mature Christian, see Perkins, for infallible assurance is of the essence of faith and is for nature – certainty itself.