Where to read more about Proto-Protestants?

Acts 16

Puritan Board Freshman
Hello everyone! I'm a huge history buff and recently I've gotten really interested in the Proto-Protestants, especially after the fall of Rome (it's not difficult to find Protestant theology before then). What are some good books or articles I can read about them?
Try to find primary sources. Also be careful about reading Protestant theology back into the sources
Yes. I understand that a lot of people and movements often labeled as proto-Protestant are often heretical. But since Protestant theology is true, it should be found in all ages.
Heiko Oberman has, from what I have heard, good ideas on this. I believe he has a book or two on them.
I'll look into him.
Can we say that as there is a progressive revelation through the Scriptures, in a parallel way there is also a progressive understanding of theology through Church history?
Even if you say that, you can no longer say that the doctrines are identifiable at all times
you can no longer say that the doctrines are identifiable at all times
At least the gospel is its basic essence is identifiable, but all doctrine around it can be improved in some way.

I think studying Church history makes us somehow ecumenical (in a good sense), don't we?
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