What's Going on With the Israel/Palestine Conflict?


Puritan Board Sophomore
I've heard these two mentioned a lot, especially with all that's happening now. But I don't really understand what's happening or why. Can anyone help elaborate on what is happening/the relationship between these two entities?
I think Israeli Jews have had Palestinian Muslims living within Israel for a long time in a place called Gaza. Israel has supposedly tried to prevent Muslim gatherings during their holidays, and the Muslims protested. Israel is also supposedly evicting Muslims in a certain neighborhood. Now they are shooting rockets at each other. I think that's the basics, but I could be wrong. O how we need peace.
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I have not been following the news closely on this subject, but I think that it is the Christian's duty to encourage peace between the Israelis and their Arab neighbours, not to beat a drum for either side.
I have not been following the news closely on this subject, but I think that it is the Christian's duty to encourage peace between the Israelis and their Arab neighbours, not to beat a drum for either side.

I see many Christians taking the side of Israel primarily and unbelievers primarily taking the side of Palestine. Why is this the case I wonder? :think:
I see many Christians taking the side of Israel primarily and unbelievers primarily taking the side of Palestine. Why is this the case I wonder?
I would imagine that the former is the result of the widespread and long-lasting influence of Dispensationalism in America, and that the latter is the result of the fact that unbelievers in America tend to hate Christians and, because they associate Israel infatuation with Christianity, side with Palestine.
I see many Christians taking the side of Israel primarily and unbelievers primarily taking the side of Palestine. Why is this the case I wonder? :think:

Probably because of the influence of Dispensationalism. Some Right-wing people think that we should be uncritically pro-Israel just because the Far Left types are pro-Palestine. (The Israel-Palestine conflict actually divides both the Left and the Right, so this approach is reactionary.) Personally, I do not have a problem with Israel existing nor with it protecting its borders like every other country. I refuse, however, to be a pro-Israel jingoist.
Israel is allegedly wanting to evict Arabs from neighborhoods that are being inundated by Jews/Israelis in the West Bank that were historically Arab. Arabs view this as a sort of insurgency and protested. There was a lot of clashing on both sides at the temple mount. Hamas viewed this as an attack on a sacred site and launched rockets.
That's rye readers digest version trying to be dispassionate.
While I am mildly interested in what's going on in Israel, at the end of the day I couldn't care less who wins so long as the US doesn't get involved. Both camps are heathens and generally awful to both Christians and each other.
Not saying we should decide things this way, but are there more Israeli Christians or Palestinian Christians? I know there is persecution in both countries of Christians.
but are there more Israeli Christians or Palestinian Christians?
Rather than research for a defensible answer, I'll go with Wikipedia. They say that 80% of the Christians in Israel are Arabs (not all the Arabs are Palestinians). There used to be a lot more, but the Jews ran the Arab Christians out. There are pockets of them in the US.

Dispensationalists may worship the Jews, but the favors aren't really returned.
They say that 80% of the Christians in Israel are Arabs (not all the Arabs are Palestinians).
Back when I worked in the Middle East, mid 80s, that was a figure I heard, too.

Years ago I met Baruch Maoz, an Israel-born Jew who came to be a prominent Reformed Baptist pastor there. He had multiple services in different languages because so many who came to the Gospel there were diaspora "foreigners."

Here is something he wrote back in 2008:

Back when I worked in the Middle East, mid 80s, that was a figure I heard, too.

Years ago I met Baruch Maoz, an Israel-born Jew who came to be a prominent Reformed Baptist pastor there. He had multiple services in different languages because so many who came to the Gospel there were diaspora "foreigners."

Here is something he wrote back in 2008:

Very interesting. Thanks for the article!
In terms of war conflict, this photo sums it up.

On the right side are the missiles fired from Gaza toward Israel. On the left side, Israel's rocket defence system. Emotions aside, a pretty telling photo to say the least.
For those interested in military matters, Israel's Iron Dome is one of the most sophisticated pieces of military technology in the world, well worth reading about.

On a more subjective note, imagine living there right now:
- pretty surreal.