Maybe some of you may have known that this question was coming.
What is the difference between the Canadian Reformation Church, along with the CRTS and the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America along with the RPTS?
If that is the right question to ask.
As was mentioned, the Canadian Reformed Churches have their background in the Dutch Reformation, whereas the RPCNA have roots in the UK, with the Scottish Covenanters. Historically, Reformed churches tracing their roots back to the Netherlands hold to the Three Forms of Unity, whereas Presbyterian churches hold to the Westminster Standards. That's not unique to the CanRC. The United Reformed Churches also hold only to the TFU, same with the Free Reformed Churches.
Because we hold to different confessions and have a much different history, we also have some different practices in terms of church government. We are both Presbyterian in the sense that we recognize rule by elders (presbyters). However, in Reformed church government the only permanent governing body is the consistory. Classes and synods only exist when they are meeting. In Presbyterian church government, the presbytery (roughly equivalent to a Reformed classis) is also a permanent body.
The Three Forms of Unity are older than the Westminster Standards. Because they are further down the line in the development of Reformed theology, the Westminster Standards tend to be more defined on certain points of doctrine and ethics. As a result, subscription to the WS has been a huge issue in Presbyterian church history. It's been an issue in Reformed church history too, but not to the same extent. I'm not sure about the RPCNA, but in many Presbyterian churches, officers can and do take exceptions to certain points in their confessions when they subscribe. In the CanRC, URC, FRC, etc., no exceptions are permitted to the TFU. You subscribe to everything in the TFU or nothing. We can take this approach more easily because the age of the TFU gives our churches a bit more latitude.
Much more could be said, but that's a basic answer to your question.