What are the "second edition" of the canons of the council of Nicea?


Staff member
I don't find these in recent publications or listings of the regular canons of the council of Nicea. Are the "second edition" canons bogus or what are and what does "second edition" mean? See here. They are only in Latin, not Greek with Latin translation.
That indicates multiple texts but doesn't clear it up for me; there would be two Greek/Latin in parallel if what is said of the second Greek text was addressing this. :think:
Not coming up with much else. What context are they are being referred to in - what initially prompted the question?
It's just a citation of Canon 11 of Nicea, but it was not matching and then I found out why and that it is from this 'second edition' text in the link.
All our present controversy is concerning a visible church, visible saints, visible holiness, visible repentance, visible fitness or qualification for the sacrament; that is, of such external signs and evidences as the Word of God holds out for judging of the spiritual estate of other men, not of such internal gracious marks whereby a man must judge of his own spiritual estate;[1] and so he that professes his sincere repentance for his sins past, and promises newness of life for the time to come, if there be nothing which (visibly and to the eye of man) gives the lie to his profession and promise (for instance, if it can be proved that, immediately before or immediately after, he has professed or promised the contrary to his companions in his wickedness, or that he still continues in the practice of that sin), is not to be excluded as an impenitent sinner from the sacrament.

[1] Concil. Nicæn., can. 11. Ab omnibus vero illud pænitentiæ attendatur. Quicunque enim cum omni præcipue observetur, ut animus eorum et fructus timore et lachrymis perseverantibus, et operibus bonis conversationem suam, non verbis solis, sed opere et veritat demonstrant, cum tempus statutum etiam ab his fuerit impletum, et orationibus jam cæperint communicare, licebit etiam episcopo humanius circa eos aliquid cogitare. Qui vero indifferenter habuerint lapsum, et sufficere sibi quod ecclesiam introierint, arbitrantur, ipsi omnimodo tempora statuta complebunt.