Voetius: See the Physicists

Alexander Suarez

Puritan Board Freshman
In the excerpt from Gisbertus Voetius (1589 - 1676) on "The Use of Reason in Matters of Faith" contained in the appendix of Willem J. Van Asselt's Introduction to Reformed Scholasticism, Voetius says the following:

With human reason we primarily and properly [primo & proprie] understand the capacity of the rational soul [anima] in man, by which he comprehends intelligible things and makes judgments: for this, see the physicists in their works on the soul.

Any idea who these "physicists" are?
In the excerpt from Gisbertus Voetius (1589 - 1676) on "The Use of Reason in Matters of Faith" contained in the appendix of Willem J. Van Asselt's Introduction to Reformed Scholasticism, Voetius says the following:

Any idea who these "physicists" are?
Maybe the meta"physicists"?
In the excerpt from Gisbertus Voetius (1589 - 1676) on "The Use of Reason in Matters of Faith" contained in the appendix of Willem J. Van Asselt's Introduction to Reformed Scholasticism, Voetius says the following:

Any idea who these "physicists" are?
Probably. :pilgrim:
"Physicists" there will mean students of or writers on nature. Aristotle on the soul and his commentators and successors will be who Voetius has in mind.