Trail of Blood

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If I am not mistaken, the site you offered is by no means a rebuttal, but in agreement with 'landmarkism'.

This is something that as a Baptist I have wished to see something definitive on as well.

I've never seen a point by point critique, just general, dismissive articles, etc...

What is the URL to Baptist Board?

I've been thinking of writing my own rebuttal. Perhaps [i:f9eca50389]Trail of Mud[/i:f9eca50389] would be an appropriate title. :puzzled:

It will require some searching, but Sam's site does include documents supporting and refuting the "Trail of Blood" approach.
Dr. James McGoldrick, a Presbyterian and former history professor at Ceaderville College has written a book (not over-long actually) in which he critiques the Trail of Blood theory at length from a historian's perspective. Dr. McGoldrick is now retired but teaches regularly at Greenville Seminary. I can find out the title of his book and where you might be able to secure a copy if you like.
Some of these guys scare me. What is so important about keeping oneself out of the Protestant Reformation? Especially if one is a Calvinist?

As far as I am concerned, I would throw away the whole lot if their soteriology was suspect.

So they baptized. Does that mean that they knew the doctrines of grace?

I have known family that I am ashamed of. I would not claim them merely because they baptized infants.


In Christ,

Book Title & Publisher

The title of Dr. McGoldrick's book is Baptist Successionism, the publisher is Scarecrow Press (a division, he thinks, of University Press of America--he was not sure if he quoted that last part right when we spoke--but its not that important).

It is possible that the book is available through Greenville Seminary bookstore (they may have a few copies on hand--again, he wasn't sure). It is almost certainly available through or your local bookseller.

Hope this is helpful.
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