Topical Old Testament theology recommendations

Justified Josh

Puritan Board Freshman
Hey there brethren!

Do any of you guys know of an Old Testament theology book that is not structured in a canonical, but instead topical way (similar to Donald Guthrie‘s New Testament theology)?

God bless and greetings from Austria,
This might help:

A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the Old Testament: The Gospel Promised by Miles Van Pelt​

Most Old Testament theologies are either written by liberals, or are canonical in shape. The best ones, in my opinion, are Dominion and Dynasty, by Stephen Dempster, and the much older Theology of the Old Testament, by Oehler. These would both fit your bill.
Lane, what is your most recent list of good commentaries, OT and NT? Those lists have been such a blessing to many of us!
It's here. I have three: one for pastors, one for laymen, and one for commentaries to avoid. My main one is now six years old. I'm glad it has been helpful.