Thomas Witherow on the significance of Henry Cooke

Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
... Dr. [Henry] Cooke is the greatest man who has sprung as yet from the Scoto-Irish race. Forty years ago he was the most conspicuous figure in Ulster; no other man in the province had rendered such eminent service to the community; no other whose pulpit and platform oratory had produced so powerful an effect; no other who, by name and character, was so well known to every class of Ulsterman.

But time makes havoc of the fame even of the greatest and the best. Twenty years are not yet complete since he was laid to rest in the quiet cemetery of Malone; and already a generation has grown up to manhood who never heard and never saw him, while the middle aged only knew him in his decline. It is only the oldest of us who saw and heard him in the maturity of his splendid powers.

For more, see Thomas Witherow on the significance of Henry Cooke.