Thomas Chalmers on Moderatism and evangelical dissenters

Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
... The cold, and jejune, and lifeless ministrations which followed on the establishment of this system, fell like a withering mildew on the hearts of our people—(Cheers)—who heard, but heard not gladly; and, deserting in thousands the Church of their fathers, went off in hundreds to the evangelical meeting-houses which were raised without its pale. It was well that the lessons of a pure gospel were given there. This alleviates, but it never can repair, the degeneracy which takes place in the clergy of an Establishment; and thus it is that every decline of Christianity in the great national institute is sure to be followed up by a declension in the religion of families. …

For more, see Thomas Chalmers on Moderatism and evangelical dissenters.
... The cold, and jejune, and lifeless ministrations which followed on the establishment of this system, fell like a withering mildew on the hearts of our people—(Cheers)—who heard, but heard not gladly; and, deserting in thousands the Church of their fathers, went off in hundreds to the evangelical meeting-houses which were raised without its pale. It was well that the lessons of a pure gospel were given there. This alleviates, but it never can repair, the degeneracy which takes place in the clergy of an Establishment; and thus it is that every decline of Christianity in the great national institute is sure to be followed up by a declension in the religion of families. …

For more, see Thomas Chalmers on Moderatism and evangelical dissenters.
How pretty much every denomination dies. When precision is abandoned everyone suffers.