Thomas Cartwright on infant baptism

Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
Q. How do you prove that Infants are to be baptized?

A. There is the same use of Baptism under the Gospel, that was of Circumcision under the Law; and the Infants of Christians are under the Covenant as well as theirs; and Baptism is a sign of the Covenant, as well as Circumcision: if therefore Infants were circumcised, and Baptism possess the room of Circumcision, except there can be shewed a special prohibition or restraint in God’s word, it will follow that Infants also may be baptized.

Further, the Apostles are said to baptize whole families, amongst which it is ordinary, that there be some children, and there is no reason to limit the words to them that are at years. And this use hath continued in the Church since the Apostles times, and was never gainsaid by any but those, that by the universal Church, have been judged heretics.

For the reference, see:
