The senior James Begg?

Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
I just came across something in James Gibson's book on worship, which indicates that there were actually two James Beggs. It appears that the father of the Disruption Worthy was also an esteemed minister of the Church of Scotland who lived from 1763 to 1845:

We cannot forbear singling out of this interesting volume for special recommendation, the admirable "Treatise on the Organ Question," by Dr Begg's father; the late venerable Dr James Begg of Newmonkland, written at the time of the organ controversy in the West of Scotland in 1808. It is an able and learned discussion of the whole question, in the clear, vigorous, terse, and manly style of that eminent minister, to whose ministrations we had in early youth the privilege of listening, glad to escape by a walk of four miles from the dreamy essays of the Moderate in whose district it was our lot to reside.

James Gibson, The Public Worship of God: Its Authority and Modes, Hymns and Hymn Books (London: James Nisbet and Son, 1869), p. 109.

Question: Did the senior James Begg join the Free Church or was he no longer able to take part in public business by the time of his decease?