The Sabbath According to the Jews


Puritan Board Freshman
I am trying to study the Sabbath more closely, and as I’m reading some of the puritans and even Thomas Aquinas, I became interested in seeing what the Jews have thought about it over the past 2000 years. Is anyone familiar with the major works that Jewish philosophers or theologians or thinkers have written in the topic of the Sabbath? I’m thinking of something in the vein of Heschel’s the Sabbath or even something Maimonides may have written on the topic. Any advice or redirection would be appreciated!
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I am trying to study the Sabbath more closely, and as I’m reading some of the puritans and even Thomas Aquinas, I became interested in seeing what the Jews have thought about it over the past 2000 years. Is anyone familiar with the major works that Jewish philosophers or theologians or thinkers have written in the topic of the Sabbath? I’m thinking of something in the vein of Heschel’s the Sabbath or even something Maimonides may have written on the topic. Any advice or redirection would be appreciated!