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"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy."
Matthew 5:7

The Lord promises to bless the merciful. We are to be merciful because God showed us mercy. God showed us mercy in sending His Son in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, to pay the price of sin on the cross. The greatest form of mercy shown is Christ laying down his life for sinners. We did not deserve mercy. All we rightly deserve is the wrath and judgment of God, for breaking His law. Paul's letter to the Romans reminds us of that mercy shown, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8) Just think about that for a moment. When we were still sinners and sinning Christ died for the ungodly. Christ came to lay down his life for those who rebel against holiness. This is love beyond any human level. This is divine love, pure love, and godly love. God is so merciful.

This is why the merciful are blessed. They are showing the love, grace, and mercy of God. When Christ came to die for an unworthy and rebellious people, he showed His rich and bountiful mercy in both word and deed. This is why the child of God should be merciful because our Heavenly Father has shown mercy unto us. Just pause and think about this. If Almighty God humbled Himself to show mercy to those who do not deserve it, then why shouldn't we show that same mercy He shows to us?

This is one of the marks of a true child of God. Those who show mercy, care, loving-kindness, and compassion to the poor and needy have a Christ-like spirit. It is very important that the believer shows mercy unto all men, whether they are saved or not, whether they love the Lord or detest His ways.

We are commanded by God to show mercy. The greatest form of this shown to a non-believer is the Gospel. This is why we must preach Christ as this is the best way to show love toward the lost. There is no point in saying something without doing it. Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, warns James. Jesus gives us the commandment to love fellow believers in John 13:34. In the next verse, Christ says this is how all men will know you are followers of me. So, do you show mercy in both word and deed? Are you following Christ's example of mercy? Is your attitude merciful?