The Holy Spirit and Angels in Church History?


Puritan Board Freshman
There are plenty of quotations from Reformed theologians affirming that Adam had the Holy Spirit before the fall (I think the logic is very simple, given that Jesus was filled with the Spirit as well), but my question is whether anyone speaks the same way of angels?

Personally, I do agree with Meredith Kline that angels are created in the image of God, and I think I remember a thread on here somewhere that pointed out that on his premises, having the Spirit is part of what it means to be in the image of God, so I would personally affirm that the holy angels have the Spirit.

However, I am interested in if any theologians have ever connected the Holy Spirit to the holy angels? I feel like this is something Thomas Aquinas would talk about, but the Summa is huge and I am unsure where to look. Does anyone know if any of the fathers, medievals, or reformers ever talked about this?

The closest I can think of off the top of my head was something that Bavinck said more generally to the effect of "all creatures cannot do good apart from the Holy Spirit" or something, which would seem to imply it, but it wasn't specifically about this.
I also intentionally tried to avoid the word "indwelling" here to avoid debates about distinctions regarding the "mode" of the Spirit's possession, which aren't relevant to what I'm looking for. Just anything about the possession of the Holy Spirit by or His work in angels will do.
However, I am interested in if any theologians have ever connected the Holy Spirit to the holy angels? I feel like this is something Thomas Aquinas would talk about, but the Summa is huge and I am unsure where to look. Does anyone know if any of the fathers, medievals, or reformers ever talked about this?

They did not. Thomas did not. Thomas's only unique thing on angels was that each angel was its own species.

When Kline said angels are in the image of God, he meant image in the sense of function, not a metaphysical set of properties.
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