Morning friend,
What are some of the "effects" of premillenialism you have observed? How have you seen this eschatological view gain ground in reformed churches? Can you provide some specific examples?
Well the more I study eschatology, the more I see the whole direction of scripture being eschatological. The looking for that blessed hope, the revealing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, the consummation of all things. But premillenialism speaks of a future age of 1000 years after the 2nd coming with an earth populated by a Jewish remnant who were converted during the supposed 7 year tribulation, and that is, after the church is raptured off the earth. So right off the bat, we divide the 2nd coming into 2 parts, a secret rapture of the church and then the actual 2nd coming. And so after the rapture, which would be seen by all that large numbers of people just disappeared off the earth, it could be calculated that 7 years later, Christ would come in the clouds to judgment. So to say God will go back to dealing with national Israel again with a rebuilt physical temple, Premillenialism once again makes a distinction between the Jew and Gentile, when they have both been called into one body, and says that God will go back to dealing with types and shadows.
Premillenialism ignores the fact that the kingdom is already here in the church, in the elect and that Christ is reigning now over His people. It also blunts the sword of prophecy in that it ignores the fact that the papacy is that antichrist warned about in the scriptures. Unfaithful ministers everywhere commit spiritual fornication with the great whore by practicing some of her false forms of worship and with their willing ignorance of her identity and character. John said that her blasphemy is written right across her forehead, because to the spiritually discerning it's obvious who the beast is. One simply has to pick up their history books and read the documentation of the woman drunken with the blood of the saints.
Other folks in this thread have already answered the who in the Reformed circles by mentioning just one example, Dr. Boice. One could also say Dr. MacArthur, even though he's not really reformed. Men of great influence.
Failure to warn God's people of the identity of antichrist is willful ignorance. Also, to ascribe to the future and a future age that which nobody would ever see until the end of time defeats the purpose of the Revelation, which was a book of comfort to the saints in all ages, and that which would give discernment and understanding to God's people in the midst of persecution.
Hope that helps.