The Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD

Phil D.

ὁ βαπτιστὴς
This event isn't part of church history per se, although it did have an immediate and irreversible bearing on the shift from a Jewish dominated early church to the greater prominence of Gentile influences within in.

This is a pretty well done video portrayal of the destruction of Jerusalem effected by the Roman general Titus in 70 AD. As fair warning, if you are one to become bored with the tactical details of historical events, then watching it will likely not be time well spent. (It also contains depictions of battle violence). On the other hand, as a history buff it filled in many details about this watershed event that I had been unaware of or had wondered about.

The sheer tenacity and ingenuity of the Jewish defenders is nothing short of incredible, leading to the immense frustration of Titus - and ultimately his rage fueled utter destruction of the temple. Of course nothing on either side could have possibly stopped the terrifying and anguishing fulfillment of Mark 13:2.
