I prepared this history of the PCUSA and its decline. I borrowed most of the material from John P. Galbraith's book, Why the Orthodox Presbyterian Church? Right now it goes from 1788-1936. I plan on adding more soon.
- 1788 - General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. constituted.
- 1801 - Plan of union adopted to work with the General Association of the State of Connecticut, a Congregational church that opposed the doctrines of limited atonement and the federal headship of Adam over the human race.
- 1810 - Group leaves the PCUSA to form the Cumberland Presbyterian Church because they believed the standards for ministers were too high. The Cumberland Church is explicitly not Reformed and denies predestination.
- 1837 - GASC Plan of Union is abrogated, but Auburn and Union Theological Seminaries founded on the beliefs of GASC now influence the PCUSA.
- 1869 - Those with defective views on federal headship and atonement are welcomed back into the church.
- 1893 - General Assembly convicts Charles A. Briggs for denying the infallibility and sufficiency of Scripture. This conviction overturned the acquittal he received from his presbytery.
- 1903 - PCUSA’s Confession of Faith (WCF) is revised to accommodate non-Reformed views.
- 1906 - Most of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church is welcomed back into the PCUSA.
- 1918-20 - About one-third of the church’s presbyteries approve a “plan of organic union” with other Protestant bodies. The creed used as the basis of union did not require belief in the Trinity or the sufficiency of Scripture.
- 1923 - General Assembly reemphasizes the necessity of ministers to hold to basic tenets of Christianity. These tenets are: the infallibility of Scripture, Christ’s virgin birth, Christ’s substitutionary atonement, Christ’s bodily resurrection, and Christ’s miracles.
- 1924 - Auburn Affirmation is signed by about 1300 ministers within the PCUSA. The statement repudiated and protested the 1923 declaration of basic Christian truths. The statement claims the five tenets are “theories” and that “there is no assertion in the Scriptures that their writers were kept from error.”
- 1925 - Final year in PCUSA history orthodox ministers control the Permanent Judicial Commission, which oversaw discipline matters. Also the final year the church had an orthodox minister be its Moderator.
- 1929 - Men who favor the Auburn Affirmation join the Board of Trustees of Princeton Seminary.
- 1929 - The orthodox Westminster Seminary is founded.
- 1932 - An interdenominational report on mission works is published. It advocates for missionaries to borrow from the good parts of other religions and effectively denies the exclusivity of Christianity.
- 1933 - Orthodox minister John Machen proposes his presbytery ask the General Assembly to ensure the members of the Board of Foreign Missions be believers in the exclusivity of Christianity and the five tenets from 1923. The proposed overture is overturned by the Presbytery and General Assembly.
- 1933 - Dr. Machen leads a group of conservative ministers to form the Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions.
- 1934 - General Assembly mandates that any church member or church that does not give to the officially authorized missionary program is in the same position as those who refuse to partake in the Lord’s Supper.
- 1936 - After being charged with disturbing the peace of the church (on authority of the 1934 mandate) by his presbytery, Dr. Machen’s appeal reaches the General Assembly. Dr. Machen’s appeal is denied and he is suspended from the ministry. Other ministers are suspended for not supporting Liberal movements within the church.
- 1936 - Dr. Machen leads other ministers to form the conservative Presbyterian Church of America (later renamed the Orthodox Presbyterian Church).