The Church History Project

J.L. Allen

Puritan Board Sophomore
Have any of you given The Church History Project a listen? I've suggested it to several people who are either unfamiliar with church history or only have a shallow grasp on it. Honestly, as a history buff, I've found the host's overviews refreshing. Jared Luttjeboer (the host) ends each episode with an almost devotional application of gospel truth to whatever subject. It helps you to connect with our brethren from so long ago. We face many of the same ideas and challenges, though they are repackaged and unique to our context. The Project is relatively new. Give it a listen, and let me know if you find it helpful. Pass it along, too.
Have any of you given The Church History Project a listen? I've suggested it to several people who are either unfamiliar with church history or only have a shallow grasp on it. Honestly, as a history buff, I've found the host's overviews refreshing. Jared Luttjeboer (the host) ends each episode with an almost devotional application of gospel truth to whatever subject. It helps you to connect with our brethren from so long ago. We face many of the same ideas and challenges, though they are repackaged and unique to our context. The Project is relatively new. Give it a listen, and let me know if you find it helpful. Pass it along, too.

Thank you very much for this suggestion. I was looking for more of this after binging on ancient paths tv videos and heading into Xmas break. God bless you
I've been listening to it and I hate to be that guy, but I think it could be improved. The biggest suggestion for improvement is the episodes need to be longer (they are like 10 mins each). The host sounds like he is reading a script more than teaching. With that said, I am currently producing zero podcasts lol so it is much better than I could do and I plan to continue listening!
I've been listening to it and I hate to be that guy, but I think it could be improved. The biggest suggestion for improvement is the episodes need to be longer (they are like 10 mins each). The host sounds like he is reading a script more than teaching. With that said, I am currently producing zero podcasts lol so it is much better than I could do and I plan to continue listening!
Jared prepares a script/outline in order to be precise and avoid tangential meanderings. Teaching (and even preaching) from a manuscript isn't uncommon by any means. He is also trying to avoid long-form podcasts. Personally, I don't like being tied up in a podcast for more than 30 minutes, so the length is inviting. Also, he's trying to reach both the learned and unlearned. The latter, as with us all when we are unfamiliar with something, tend to quickly lose interest if they are given too much too quickly.
I've been listening to it and I hate to be that guy, but I think it could be improved. The biggest suggestion for improvement is the episodes need to be longer (they are like 10 mins each). The host sounds like he is reading a script more than teaching. With that said, I am currently producing zero podcasts lol so it is much better than I could do and I plan to continue listening!
I listened to the History of the Early Church podcast for awhile. Looks like he hasn't posted a new episode in years, but those were 30-40 min each, if memory serves. I found it very helpful and especially appreciated how thorough his notes were on the website. I used it to supplement my studies while taking an early church history course
I listened to the History of the Early Church podcast for awhile. Looks like he hasn't posted a new episode in years, but those were 30-40 min each, if memory serves. I found it very helpful and especially appreciated how thorough his notes were on the website. I used it to supplement my studies while taking an early church history course

My problem with podcasts is that I don't have (nor particularly want) a device to listen to them on that is mobile. I can exercise while watching Youtube and so the OP's suggestion for the Church History Project works because they also post them on Youtube.

Maybe I should find a way to get a mobile device that does podcasts.
My problem with podcasts is that I don't have (nor particularly want) a device to listen to them on that is mobile. I can exercise while watching Youtube and so the OP's suggestion for the Church History Project works because they also post them on Youtube.

Maybe I should find a way to get a mobile device that does podcasts.
Brother! I'm always happy to find someone else...I also do not have a smartphone. The only reason I have a phone at all is so that my wife can contact me :lol:.

Depending on how you access youtube while working out (laptop? smart tv?) you can probably find a way to access podcasts as well if that was important to you. I think most podcast apps probably have webplayers.

I have an android emulator downloaded on my laptop, which allows me to use Whatsapp to communicate with friends overseas. That might work as well. Again, if you find you really need to listen to podcasts. I haven't listened to any since ditching my smartphone 2 years ago.
Brother! I'm always happy to find someone else...I also do not have a smartphone. The only reason I have a phone at all is so that my wife can contact me :lol:.

Depending on how you access youtube while working out (laptop? smart tv?) you can probably find a way to access podcasts as well if that was important to you. I think most podcast apps probably have webplayers.

I have an android emulator downloaded on my laptop, which allows me to use Whatsapp to communicate with friends overseas. That might work as well. Again, if you find you really need to listen to podcasts. I haven't listened to any since ditching my smartphone 2 years ago.

Wireless headphones and smart TV at home is how I listen.

But that website you posted looked deep and useful. A laptop is probably the way to go to listen and look at the charts and timelines; I just now have to get used to sitting while listening, I guess.