Puritan Board Freshman
Any thoughts on whether Communion should be served from an altar?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think most Reformed churches have not used altars because they may suggest a sacrifice. But say, for instance, a church used an altar to show that the Supper is a sacrifice of praise? In some cases, altars have similar or identical constructions to tables, and vise-versa. So does it really matter or is it just semantics? Also, does anyone know of any Reformed bodies that have used altars (besides, for instance, the Anglican tradition)?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think most Reformed churches have not used altars because they may suggest a sacrifice. But say, for instance, a church used an altar to show that the Supper is a sacrifice of praise? In some cases, altars have similar or identical constructions to tables, and vise-versa. So does it really matter or is it just semantics? Also, does anyone know of any Reformed bodies that have used altars (besides, for instance, the Anglican tradition)?