T4G / WTS GIVEAWAY: NICNT + WTS Books (worth $1200)

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Deleted member 8298

Just wanted to share this in case anyone else is inclined to participate in such things. The cynic or pessimist may think it poor taste or a waste of time, but I see no reason to object to a chance at free books, especially of such high caliber. All you have to do is enter your email address for a chance to win.


Here is the collection being given away:

New International Commentary Set on the New Testament(NICNT)
Romans, John Murray (Commentary)
Commentary on the NT use of the OT, Beale & Carson
The Pastor’s Book, Kent Hughes
The Shepherd Leader, Timothy Witmer
Seeing with New Eyes, David Powlison
The Creedal Imperative, Carl Trueman
The Miracles of Jesus, Vern Poythress
Covenantal Apologetics, Scott Oliphint
The Message of the General Epistles in the History of Redemption, Brandon Crowe
Resurrection & Redemption, Richard Gaffin
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T4G & WTS Are Giving Away NICNT + other WTS Books

Just wanted to share this in case anyone else is inclined to participate in such things. The cynic or pessimist may think it poor taste or a waste of time, but I see no reason to object to a chance at free books, especially of such high caliber. The NICNT commentaries are some of the best. All you have to do is enter your email address for a chance to win.


Here's the collection of books being given away:

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Please stop duplicating the same post in multiple locations on the board. A single thread in one forum is sufficient. This the second time I've had to merge two threads because you start the same conversation in two different fora.
Forgive me Rich. Won't happen again. Didn't realize I was doing something wrong.
Forgive me Rich. Won't happen again. Didn't realize I was doing something wrong.

Wrong is too strong a term. I don't know if you use the "Today's Posts" or "New Posts" feature but that's how most people find the threads. When you post the same thread twice it appears twice in the list. Best bet is to just find the forum that fits the topic and then post it there.
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