Travis Fentiman

Puritan Board Sophomore
Do you have a friend with acutely distressing mental health episodes?

Churches often have in place a set up to send meals and visitors to post-partum mothers and the sick, and yet supporting persons who suffer from severe mental health episodes (possibly with suicidal ideation) is another great need where Christians can mercifully do a lot more, if they know how...

But many people feel clueless to help. Here are guidelines for setting up help, specifically: organizing friends to call in and check in with the struggling friend, so they are supported through their whole episode, every time. Companionship is the best way to relieve suffering (end of Mt. 25) and keep people safe, and something regular people can do.

I, Travis Fentiman, being a psychiatric nurse for near ten years, made a Help Flyer for Friends for someone recently with acute OCD episodes with panic attacks and suicidal ideation. Customize it for your purposes and mercifully help the mentally oppressed. This guidance is supplemental in nature and not intended to replace professional treatment.

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Just a suggestion, but maybe you might consider changing her name to a different pseudonym?

Usually "friends of Mary Jane" is a code online that you are obviously not intending here.
Just a suggestion, but maybe you might consider changing her name to a different pseudonym?

Usually "friends of Mary Jane" is a code online that you are obviously not intending here.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I changed out the document so it says "Friends of Mary". Blessings.