Sermons 07/17/2016

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Puritan Board Freshman
Hi all,

Go ahead and post about this week's sermon(s).

I'll try to post about my church's soon.

Also, give feedback about this recurring thread. I'm glad to have found and brought attention to this sub-forum, "Meditating on the Preached Word." If you'd like to continue having a weekly thread -- sure. If not, the sub-forum suggests the same as the thread.

I preached the first of what will be 2 (and maybe a third) sermons on Mk 5.21ff, focusing primarily this week on the compassion of Christ in healing the woman with the issue of blood and raising Jairus' daughter. Something that hit me like a ton of bricks was how these two accounts parallel spiritual realities -- specifically, Jesus entering Jairus' daughter's room, in spite of Scripture saying that to be in the same room as a dead person is to become unclean. Jesus is not threatened by my sin or its effects; he is not in danger of becoming less than who he is, of being tainted or soiled by my uncleanness. He cleanses me; he makes me whole and alive and whiter than snow.

I personally really struggled while preaching today. I was overwhelmed by the compassion of Christ in the text and felt that it was difficult to do the text justice, even though I'd studied well and thought it through. Such is the providence of God.

Next week, D.V., I plan to consider the passage's emphasis on faith, and how Christ equips his people to walk by faith. It's going to be a fun sermon to preach. I'm loving preaching through Mark.

To the OP's question: I like reading about what our fellow PB'ers have preached or heard each week...
I continued my series through our confession of faith with another sermon on the doctrine of God. I discussed the relationship between God's sovereignty and the evil and death in the world. This was particularly appropriate considering all that has been happening in the world of late.
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