Rom 1:18-32: Paul and Homosexuality

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Puritan Board Freshman
I’ve just posted an article called, "Examining Romans 1:18-32: Paul's View of Homosexuality."

Outline of Paper:
  • Overview of Romans 1:18-23
  • Relevance of 1:18-32 in Romans
  • Relevance of vv. 18-23 to vv. 24-32
  • A Closer Look at Romans 1:18-23
  • The Progression of Evil in Rom 1:18-23 and vv. 26-27
  • Radical Voices on Romans 1:24-27
  • A Closer Look at Romans 1:24-27
  • Focus on "Against Nature" and "Natural Use"
  • Homosexuality as an Illustration
  • Conclusion
  • Endnotes
  • Original Outline of Thesis Chapter
  • Sermon Outline of Romans 1:24-27
  • Resources for Practical Details on Romans 1:24-32
"The following paper is a modified version of chapter two in my M.A. thesis, 'Paul's View of Male Homosexuality: An Exegetical Study.' I have shortened and simplified it to make the data more accessible (like deleting much of the overly technical details and transliterating the remaining Greek). While my writing has improved since I originally wrote my thesis, I have left my wording the same except for a few minor changes. I wrote my thesis before Robert Gagnon published his important work, The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics. My paper, however, can aid the average reader wanting more insight into the Romans 1 text. May it bring much glory to Christ."

See full article here: Need Not Fret - EXAMINING ROMANS 1:18-32--Paul's View of Homosexuality
The reason I used Moo as a tag is because I quote his Roman's commentary a lot, at least, in the original thesis. (And, he was one of my readers.)
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