Robert Baillie on the Solemn League and Covenant’s obligation to extirpate heresy and schism

Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
All Christians are obliged to the uttermost of their power to quench the fire of heresy and schism; but above all other, we have a special obligation for this duty. We have lifted up our hands to the most high God, vowing to him, in the sight of all the neighbour-nations, our endeavours in the sincerity of our hearts, to extirpate heresy and schism, and whatsoever shall be found contrary to sound doctrine, without respect of persons.

If herein we should be negligent, would not God avenge our solemn perjury? If respect to any person should make us ever think of breaking that bond, and expressly contrary thereto to begin once to tamper about the toleration of errors contrary to sound doctrine, what might we and the posterity expect from the hand of the God of justice and truth?

For the reference, see Robert Baillie on the Solemn League and Covenant’s obligation to extirpate heresy and schism.