Since you are looking at continuing on with your Master's at another seminary, you should talk to them first to see if your credits will transfer from TNARS if you're going to consider the school.
If your BA degree must be accredited, Reformed, and distance, then you should probably stay at Liberty U because no such creature exists, at least in the US.
There are good looking unaccredited schools out there like TNARS and Whitefield College. If you decide to go with them I would advise that you email several Reformed Seminaries and ask them their thoughts.
Also, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary offers its M.Div as a B.D. to men over 30 without an undergrad degree. It’s a 4 year program (normal M.Div programs are 3), one of which is undergraduate level. So if you were to take a handful of undergrad classes, English 1 + 2, Computers, World Civ. 1 +2, and a philosophy that might suffice for an undergrad education if you get accepeted into the GPTS program.